A Study on the Role of Sports Exchanges in the Process of National Unification of Korea -Implication of the German Unification Case - 체육사 : 우리나라 통일과정에서 스포츠교류의 역할 - 독일 통일과정의 함의 -
40(2) 3-20, 2001
A Study on the Role of Sports Exchanges in the Process of National Unification of Korea -Implication of the German Unification Case - 체육사 : 우리나라 통일과정에서 스포츠교류의 역할 - 독일 통일과정의 함의 -
The sports can be exchanged most non-ideologically among various social and cultural exchanges; it has been proven by many cases of ours and foreign nations that the sports exchanges help much to unify the divided people in an easy way. In consideration of the positive effects of sports exchanges thus far, they will play more important role in our preparation for national unification. In other words, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of sports exchange between South and North Koreas. Therefore, our sports society is obliged to promote the sports exchanges between two Koreas to pave the way to the national solidarity and our historical mission or national unification.
In the past, East and West Germanies exchanges sports autonomously only to contribute their unification. The German case may well apply to ours. With such basic conceptions in mind, this study was aimed at reviewing the role of sports exchanges between two Koreas to advance our national unification. To this end, a survey was conducted on those atheletes, sports managers and reporters who participated in South-North table tennis and soccer team unions in 1991 as well as North Korean Study Society, National Unification Education Association and South-North Sport Exchange Society members. This study can be concluded as follows;
First, a sports exchange agreement needs to be concluded between South and North Korea, while a joint sports exchange body be organized for systematic sports exchanges.
Second, friendly exchange sports games between two Korean should be held regularly, and more single sports teams such as past table tennis or soccer team need to be formed based on a single team union program, whereby South―North sports exchanges should be expanded centering around civilian sports associations or private business sports teams.
Third, sports exchanges should be separated from politics. In the German case, East Germany attempted to use the sports exchanges for their political gains, but West Germany even delayed the sports exchange program not to be manipulated by East Germany for their political purpose. Fourth, South-North sports exchanges need to be made by the initiative of not government but civilian sports societies. In the German case, the West German government supported the West - East sports exchanges legally and financially, while the exchanges themselves were made between civilian sportmen. In our case, it may well be necessary to divide the roles between government and civilian sports societies in an effective and mutually―supportive way.
Fifth, the South Korean government needs to be more patient and longer-perpective in South-North sports exchanges, assuming that not only governmental exchanges but also civilian sports exchanges might be jeopardized by North Korea’s intentional or abrupt change of mind.
Lastly, South Korean people should be aware of the importance of the South-North sports exchanges as they may be conducive to co-existence and co-prosperity and ultimately, national unification.
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Athletic Dress and Nudity in Greek Athletics 체육사 : 고대 그리스 운동선수의 의상과 나체경기
김복회KimBok-Hee , 오동섭OhDong-Soub
40(2) 21-31, 2001
Athletic Dress and Nudity in Greek Athletics 체육사 : 고대 그리스 운동선수의 의상과 나체경기
김복회KimBok-Hee , 오동섭OhDong-Soub
Among the Ancient Greek traditions of sporting events, the most salient characteristic was to play in the nude. The adjective gymnos, which is the etymology of gymnastic or gymnasium, and is used in referring to gymnastics and physical education in Greek, means 'light clothed' 'naked' and 'playing in the nude' and is associated with various sports. In Homer’s poems, the nudity is described as humiliation, and it was not until 720 B.C. that completely naked players appeared. What brought this change and why did Greeks play in the nude? In this study, the athlete dress, loincloth, the incident of causing nudity in athletics, and the changing processes of nudity in athletics were analysed.
As a result, it was discovered that the Homeric players wore, what is called, perizoma which is a kind of loincloth, and the origin of nudity in sport events was 720 B.C. After then Orsippos ran in the nude in a stade game,and Akanthos and other athletes played dolichos in the nude according to the law of nudity in athletics which was introduced at that time. These two facts explicitly distinguish perizoma from nudity.
In the fifth century B.C., Thucydides states that the Spartans were the first to strip, and it is presumed that nudity in athletics was continuous in Olympia, but it is uncertain. In the fourth century B.C., Plato says that the Cretans were the first, then the Spartans, to practice athletic nudity. It is probable that players in Athens wore loincloth during the period between Orsippos and Thucydides, and the Attic perizoma group of vase painters represent athletes wearing a large, white loincloth, and completely naked players at the same time.
With the evidence of Thucydides, Plato, and the works of perizoma group of painters, it is likely that athletes were not naked at the end of the sixth century and probably not at the beginning of the fifth century B.C., and the nudity was reintroduced probably after the Persian Wars. The Persian Wars polarized the views of Greeks and barbarians and probably brought general nudity in athletics to Greece.
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A Study of the Influence of Physical Education during the Colonial Period of Japan on Korean Physical Education in Public Schools After Independence 체육사 : 일제 식민지시대의 체육이 광복 후 한국 학교체육에 미친 영향에 관한 연구
40(2) 33-44, 2001
A Study of the Influence of Physical Education during the Colonial Period of Japan on Korean Physical Education in Public Schools After Independence 체육사 : 일제 식민지시대의 체육이 광복 후 한국 학교체육에 미친 영향에 관한 연구
This study compares physical education in Korean public schools during the colonial period of Japan and after independence and analyzes their relationship. To discover the influence of physical education during the colonial period of Japan, the main constituents of physical education, such as the philosophy, curriculum, school hygiene, course of studies, teaching methods, facilities and equipment, are investigated and analyzed.
The fundamental difference is that after independence, the philosophy and curriculum of physical education were based on democratic principles, whereas during the colonial period of Japan, the objective was 'making obedient bodies' to raise "SINMIN" (liegeman) for the Japanese emperor. However, school hygiene and the health systems of schools after independence were based on the systems instituted during the colonial period. These included student physical checkup regulations, school doctor appointments, prevention institution establishment, legal epidemic designation, etc.
The regulations concerning index and form of school playgrounds were unchanged after independence, but the size standard of student number was changed to conform with the standard of classroom number. As well, most standards and terms of playground and gymnasium establishment followed the ones during the colonial period of Japan.
In addition, the post-independence course of studies and teaching methods followed those used during the colonial period of Japan which depended on uniformity and the absolute authoritative teachers' orders and directions. In the Korean political and military situation after independence, this settled as an influential and representative teaching method.
In this way, physical education in public schools after independence developed under the legacy and influence of physical education during the colonial period of Japan, in spite of superficial denial and criticism.
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Überlegungen zur modernen Geschichte des Körpers 체육철학 : 육체의 현대사 재음미
40(2) 47-57, 2001
Überlegungen zur modernen Geschichte des Körpers 체육철학 : 육체의 현대사 재음미
Gegenstand dieses Beitrags sind die Zusammenhänge zwischen gesellschaftlichen Modernisierungsprozessen und dem Umgang mit dem Körper in den Räumen des Sports.Seit der Wiederentdeckung von Norbert Ellias' Werk "Über den Prozeβ der Zivilisation" und der Rezeption der Arbeiten Michel Foucaults ist der Konnex zwischen sozialen Entwicklungsprozessen und den Veränderungen des körperlichen Verhaltens in den Human- und Sozialwissenschaften immer wieder unter die Stichworte "Zivilisations" und "Diszipliniemng" gestellt worden.Die Geschichte des modemen Zivilisationsprozesses erscheint auf der Basis dieser Theorien als eine Geschichte zunehmender Körperdistanzierung oder -disziplinierung. Auf der anderen Seite erscheint eine andere Tencienz, die man als Körperaufwertug bezeichnen kann.Shultze erklärt dieses Phänomen als "Erlebnisgesellschaft" und Beck behauptet, daβ die modeme Gesellschaft immer mehr "individualisiert" geworden ist.Die gegenläufigen Bewegungen der modemen Zivilisation kann vor allem auf die Modemität zurückgehen, die die Charakter von Körperdistanzierung und Körperaufwertug gleichzeitig haben.
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A Somatic Interpretation of an Analysis on the Experience through KukSunDo Training 체육철학 : 국선도(國仙道)체험 분석의 소매틱적 해석
The purpose of this study was to explore the value and meaning of an essence of KukSunDo training, which could not understand the real meaning of experience of its training by using the logical positivism and scientific reductionism. The experience of KukSunDo training was revealed by the new paradigm of Somatics.
In order to explore and find the value and meaning of KukSunDo training, researcher could not but help to use the qualitative methodology which discovered the participhants' view and interpretation of the world. According to this methodology, researcher tried to collect, analyze, and categorize the data which researcher gained through depth-interview, open-ended questionnaire and self-introduced description. According to the analyzing of data, researcher divided participhant's subjective experiences into two categorizations: 1) the perception of self-awareness, 2) the transformation of consciousness. Each of these categorizations were divided into sub-categories based on the contents of meanings. Sub -categorizations were as following: physical pain, oneness of mind and body through immersion, the feeling of Chi(energy) and flow experience.
From the somatics' perspective, there were three interpretations of the phenomena of participants' experiences. First, we discovered the fact the process of transformations in the perception of self and world. Second, participants experienced the harmony of the mind and the body. Third, the harmony of the mind and the body was developed into the spirit's flow experience.
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A sportsman's Existence Explanation 체육철학 : 운동선수의 실존해명
40(2) 71-78, 2001
A sportsman's Existence Explanation 체육철학 : 운동선수의 실존해명
The purpose of this paper is to explain the existence of a sportsman in sport world and the study method of this paper analyze a sportsman through foundation ontology by Martin Heidegger. Here the existence category consist of Geworfenheit, verstenhen, Rede, verfallen, Befintlichkeit, Entwefen. In this paper I will try to show how heidegger’s philosophical terms and concept can be used, together with empirical material, to throw some light on the problems we see In today’s sport. Whether a sportsman existence or non-existence in limitation of time in sport world was adhered to that being thrown in sport was determination forward in the future. According to Heidegger, as such human being define Dasein, sportsman can be define Dasein. In this respect, I analyzed three steps in foundation ontology philosophy of heidegger. First, In-der-sport, second, das-seinde, third, In-sein. In conclusion, it was existential explanation that we seek to explain a sportsman, as one being, understand being itself from the possibility of self-understanding
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The Research of Sociobiological Approach as the Aggression for Sport Essentiality 체육철학 : 스포츠 본질로서의 공격성에 대한 사회생물학적 접근
40(2) 79-86, 2001
The Research of Sociobiological Approach as the Aggression for Sport Essentiality 체육철학 : 스포츠 본질로서의 공격성에 대한 사회생물학적 접근
The purpose of this study is to suggest the aggression, human’s instinct as the new essence of sport. The Sociobiological research which has the presupposition that the human beings are more biological than social regards sport as the social institution which has been made while getting through the adaption and selection in the process of the evolution. The aggression which is being defined variously are defined as ´the intention to hurt the others’ and its similarity with the various kinds of social symptoms and the history and the institution of sport could be found.
In Lorentz’ research of the comparative zoology, the quarrel between species, the strife for gaining territory, the sexual life, the habits and the consciousness, the anonimity of groups and the ties and so on start from the animals’ aggressions and this became the basic materials of the competition, the rule and the origin of the genesis which can be the constituents of sport.
In relation to the instinct of death Freud has proved that there exists the aggression in human mentality and it could be said that the aggression of sport is related with Tanatos, the instinct of death that Freud said. Fromm, a sociopsychologist expanded the concept of Freud’s aggression and devided the aggression in human mentality as the defensive and positive aggression and destructive and malignant aggression and he saw that sport is related with the malignant aggression.
The research of the comparative zoology, the psychology, and the sociopsychology shows that sport is related with the aggression which is human instinct and sport exists as the institution that can accomodate the destructive aggression in the society most rationally.
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A Study on a view of mind & body of Toege & Yulkok 체육철학 : 퇴계(退溪)와 율곡(栗谷)의 신체관(身體觀)과 체육사상(體育思想) 연구(硏究)
40(2) 87-97, 2001
A Study on a view of mind & body of Toege & Yulkok 체육철학 : 퇴계(退溪)와 율곡(栗谷)의 신체관(身體觀)과 체육사상(體育思想) 연구(硏究)
Physical education is defined as an art and science for practice of human body and mind through physical exercise. In phenomenological view, the physical education is an essay on a human being. In this sense, a philosophy of Korean physical education must be lied with an interpretation of the existence of Korean based upon understanding of the Korean life.
However, it is much to be regretted that the Korean physical education has not only been lack of its philosophical view of what the origin of Korean thought of physical education really is but it has merely showed more or less distorted view of the inferiority of Korean conventional thought on physical education measured mostly by western philosophical framework and historical perspective.
In these respects, the purpose of this paper is to consolidate the foundation of Korean physical education philosophy of "human body and human existence" by comparing the established solid studies on the different views of human being and nature of Toege and Yulkok, the Korean political philosophers. It is hoped that this paper will help identify a basis of the relative stagnancy of Korean physical education philosophy against that of western hemisphere.
Toege stressed human body and its movement principles as a reality rather than human soul, whereas Yulkok recognizes the body and the soul are incorporated into being a human and they are not existing at the sacrifice of each other as respective components of human being.
According to Yulkok, human, a subject of physical training, is both a corpus and an idea of his existence per sei.
Toege pays more attention to human body as an enabler of movement in the metaphysical perspective. Toege extends such dualistic monism against human being to the practical methodology to pacify and reinforce the human spirit. Whereas Toege view human being and condition in dualistic monism, Yulkok recognizes the human being as a creature who has inseparable body from his soul. In his monistic view of human creature, a human trains himself to enhance his whole personality eventually. Thus, Yulkok’s view of physical training includes discipline of the whole personality from the physical training of archery, horse-riding to drill at courtesy and virtuous conduct for becoming a morally excellent and physically trained personality.
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A research of the meaning of health in the Bible and the direction of health education 체육철학 : 성경에 나타난 건강의 의미와 건강교육의 방향에 관한 연구
차건수ChaGeon-Su , 강진홍KangJean-Hong
40(2) 99-109, 2001
A research of the meaning of health in the Bible and the direction of health education 체육철학 : 성경에 나타난 건강의 의미와 건강교육의 방향에 관한 연구
차건수ChaGeon-Su , 강진홍KangJean-Hong
This research is the result of inquiries about the meaning of health suggested in the Bible, the Christian understanding of human being and the direction of health education.
According to the Bible, health means the recovery of the Eigentlichkeit as a somatic existence of God's image. Perfect health can be defined as at once living lively in perfect harmony of mind, soul and body and having peace and reconciliation between man and nature, between man and scientific accomplishments, between men and finally between man and God and thus fighting against all the forces which deny God's goodness, beauty and righteousness. Now It is necessary to change paradigm about man, from human body from a physical point of view to human being from a whole point of view, that is, a whole person of mind and personality, of somatic existence, of human relationship, of ecology, of playing,and of spiritual life. As a result, it is possible to see human being as a whole and improve health care and cures of diseases.
The direction of health education should be turned to the development of human relationship, the recover and maintenance of health, mental and spiritual health, the principle of life, the importance of home. The result will be the maintenance of healthy life.
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The Development of Sport We-ness Scale for Korean Athletes 스포츠심리학 : 한국운동선수들의 우리성 : 내용분석과 척도개발
유진JinYoo , 박성제SungJePark
40(2) 113-123, 2001
The Development of Sport We-ness Scale for Korean Athletes 스포츠심리학 : 한국운동선수들의 우리성 : 내용분석과 척도개발
유진JinYoo , 박성제SungJePark
The present study attempted to develop Sport We-ness Scale(SWS) through summarized the result of collectivism related to performance with open-ended question. In phase 1 of the study, the data were emerged 6 areas of We-ness that consisted ‘positive relationship’, ‘negative relationship’, ‘hierarchical relationship’, ‘preferential team goal’, ‘positive practice environment’ and ‘oneness’ through open-ended question with 159 athletes. This approach specified the we-ness of Korean athletes. Thus, four “We-ness” dimensions were delineated: ‘Team Performance-vertical’ (PV), ‘Team Performance-Horizontal’ (PH), ‘Team Life Horizontal’(LV),‘Team-Life Horizontal relationship’(LH). In phase 2, the items were examined exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis with 276 athletes. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the hypothesized 4-factor structure of the SWS. The theoretical significance of Sport We-ness Scale for Korean athletes in sport are discussed based on the study results.
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Content Analyzing of Sport Leadership Model and Scale Development 스포츠심리학 : 스포츠 리더십 모형의 내용분석과 척도 개발
유진YooJin , 신지숙ShinJi-Sook
40(2) 125-135, 2001
Content Analyzing of Sport Leadership Model and Scale Development 스포츠심리학 : 스포츠 리더십 모형의 내용분석과 척도 개발
유진YooJin , 신지숙ShinJi-Sook
The present study attempted to develop Korean sport leadership questionnaire through qualitative and quantitative research methodology. In a qualitative study, 155 Korean elite athletes were answered open-ended questions related to the leader's behavior of VICTORY(Samsung economic institute, 1997). It consisted of (1) Vision, (2) intelligence, (3) consideration, (4) faith, (5) outlook, (6) resolution and (7) yearning. Content-analyzed used for analyzing the responses. Through the data 4 major factors emerged to develop the questionnaire. So, leadership dimension consisted of vision, intelligence, consideration, and yeaming(4 factors and 29 items). Then the items were examined psychometrically with 278 athletes. Exploratory factor analysis extracted the four-factor solution and the minimal factor loading was .773 and maximal factor loading was .850. Cronbach’s a coefficient were .8528 for intelligence, .8817 for consideration, .8359 for vision and .7659 for yearning. Even though the goodness-of-fit of factor of Sport Leadership Scale was not acceptable, it confirmed the possibility to use.
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Modeling Effect of Relative Frequency with Sweep Shot in Ice-Hoc 스포츠심리학 : 아이스하키 스위프 샷 (Sweep shot)의 상대 빈도 모델링 효과
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness and appropriate presenting frequency of modeling to analysis performance result score and movement pattern score according to modeling presence and presenting frequency through ice-hockey sweep shot.
Forty male high school students volunteered to serve as subjects. None of the subjects had any ice-hockey that playing experience before this study. Also, all students had no information on this task and used right handed only. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of four groups which consisted of 100% group, 50% group, 10% group, a control group. The task of study was ice-hockey sweep shot. Data were collected on two dependent measures, the score of performance result which was scored by score board and movement pattern scores which was evaluated through the video camera analysis. In data analysis, acquisition stage consisted of 6 blocks of 10 trials. Acquisition test was carried out under 4 (group) x 6 (block) ANOVA with repeated measures on block at acquisition test by using each group and trial block as independent variable. Retention stage consisted of 2 blocks of 10 trials. Retention test was carried out under 4 (group) x 2 (block) ANOVA with repeated measures on block at retention test. If the resulting F ratios were significant, post hoc analysis (Tukey's HSD) was used to examine the differences between the means. In all analysis, The rejection region was P < .05. The results can be summarized as follows:
1) Difference of performance result score between control group and modeling group was statistically found significant in acquisition stage. However, statistically meaningful difference was not found in retention stage.
2) Modeling group had better performance than control group, as difference of movement pattern score between control group and modeling group was statistically found significant in both acquisition test and retention stage.
3) According to frequency of modeling, performance result score was not statistically found significant between groups.
4) According to frequency of modeling, movement pattern score of 50% group and 100% group statistically had better performance than 10% group However, statistically meaningful difference was not found between 50% group and 100% group
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Interactional Control Characteristics in Two-handed Simultaneous Finger Tapping Movements Due to Imposition of Different Timing Demands 스포츠심리학 : 한 손 동작의 시제적 구조 변화에 따른 양손 동작의 협응 형태
이효경LeeHyo-Kyung , 김기웅KimKee-Woong
40(2) 147-156, 2001
Interactional Control Characteristics in Two-handed Simultaneous Finger Tapping Movements Due to Imposition of Different Timing Demands 스포츠심리학 : 한 손 동작의 시제적 구조 변화에 따른 양손 동작의 협응 형태
이효경LeeHyo-Kyung , 김기웅KimKee-Woong
The purpose of the present study was to investigate what kind of interactional motor control characteristics appeared on left and right finger movements respectively if time structure of any one hand was changed when carrying out simultaneous movements with both hands. Subjects performed five simultaneous finger tapping movements with index fingers of both hands under the control condition in which no transformation of time(500msec) or force is present, along with the experimental condition of decreased time interval(250msec) in any one hand.
The results of experiment showed that changing the time structure of any one hand influenced both time and force structures in two hands. These results are apparently consistent with the findings of previous researches in which the unity of time and force was evidenced according to coordination of both hands at the early phase of a movement in uniting type of time and force structure. Although this study could not shed light on the mechanism that induced the interactional time and force structures between hands, the investigation of interactional control between the two elements would be able to suggest a diagnostic effect of a process until executing complicated and continuous movements according to both hands coordination get out of time and/or force restraint effectively.
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The importance of perceptual motor learning on the development of perception 스포츠심리학 : 영ㆍ유아기의 시지각 발달에 있어서 지각 운동학습의 필요성
40(2) 157-168, 2001
The importance of perceptual motor learning on the development of perception 스포츠심리학 : 영ㆍ유아기의 시지각 발달에 있어서 지각 운동학습의 필요성
Human infants monitor the world with their eyes and understand the world via perceptual process. The developmental process of visual perception is important for their development, specially, vision is a basic element for the development of all behavior.
Although infants are born with certain degrees of perceptual capabilities, such an abilities are not completed. Their perceptual abilities are refined through learning process. Accordingly, all basic perceptual skills depends on the child's subsequent experience.
This article reviews the development of visual perception, such as form and pattern perception, parts and whole perception, size constancy, and depth and motion perception, in infants and children. The need of perceptual motor learning for infancy and early childhood and the importance of experience on their perceptual development have been discussed.
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A Study on Local Government Officials’ Recognition of Sport Budget 스포츠 사회학 : 지방자치단체 공무원의 체육예산 인식 조사
김사엽KimSa-Yeup , 이상효LeeSang-Hyo
40(2) 171-179, 2001
A Study on Local Government Officials’ Recognition of Sport Budget 스포츠 사회학 : 지방자치단체 공무원의 체육예산 인식 조사
김사엽KimSa-Yeup , 이상효LeeSang-Hyo
This study was designed to analyze local government officials' recognition of sport budget.
For this purpose, 148 officials were sampled out of civil servants who work the department of sport affairs and of budget of Seoul principle local government (ward office) in order to find out and compare recognition of civil servants on sport budget by their department through questionnaire.
One-way ANOVA were used in order to test hypotheses. Each hypothesis was tested at the significant level of .05.
The results from hypotheses that were clarified through the above study methods and procedure can be summarized as follows;
▣ Recognition of civil servants on Sport Budget by their departments:
First, there were differences of recognition on a view of compilation of sport budget and considerations when compiling budget.(p<.001). And there was differences of recognition on reform for the compilation of sport budget(p<.05). Officials who take charge of professional sport related affairs have the highest recognition. followed by officials of non-professional sport related affairs, and budget affairs. Also, it's proven that the officials by their department think current sport budget system unreasonable and have high recognition on establishing special account on sport budget, transferring the national sport promotion fund to a municipal government, increasing sport-professional officials, and suggesting ceiling of sport budget from total budget.
Second, officials by their department showed low recognition on community residents' participation on compiling sport budget and no difference between groups.
Third, there was no difference of recognition on influences of the chief of municipal government and local assembly man but high recognition.
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The Influence of Therapeutic Recreation on Self-esteem and Depression 스포츠 사회학 : 레크리에이션이 자아존중감 및 우울증에 미치는 영향
40(2) 181-188, 2001
The Influence of Therapeutic Recreation on Self-esteem and Depression 스포츠 사회학 : 레크리에이션이 자아존중감 및 우울증에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of therapeutic recreation on the self-esteem and depression. Specially, there was to test the difference of self-esteem and depression according to pre-experiment and post-experiment.
This study was carried out two stage. The first stage was from August, 1, 2001 to August, 12, 2001. The second stage was from August, 12, 2001 to September, 9, 2001.
The subjects of this study were sampled from the neuropsychiatric open unit of J and S Hospital. They were composed of 30 patients (the group of experiment : 15 peoples, the group of non-experiment : 15 peoples). The group of experiment were received the therapeutic rectreation.
The reliability of scale used in this study was self-esteem α =.75, depression α =.82. The statistic techniques were used t-test,correlation analysis and regression analysis by SPSSWIN program version 10.0.
There was to conclude the followings through research procedure and method ;
First, Therapeutic recreation influences on self-esteem. Namely, self-esteem is higher after experiment than before experiment.
Second, Therapeutic recreation influences on depression. Namely, depression is more low after experiment than before experiment.
Third, the self-esteem of the group in therapeutic recreation influences on depression. Namely, therapeutic recreation progress self-esteem, and reduce depression.
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The Causual Relationship among Sport Spectatorship, Academic Achivement, Life Stress and Social Behavior of Adolescents 스포츠 사회학 : 청소년의 관람스포츠 참가, 학업성취도 일상적 스트레스 및 사회적 행동 간의 인과관계
40(2) 189-199, 2001
The Causual Relationship among Sport Spectatorship, Academic Achivement, Life Stress and Social Behavior of Adolescents 스포츠 사회학 : 청소년의 관람스포츠 참가, 학업성취도 일상적 스트레스 및 사회적 행동 간의 인과관계
The purpose of the study was to examine the influences of sport spectatorship on academic achivement, life Stress, and social behaviors of adolescents. In order to achive this purpose research question was established as the following, there will be causual relationship among sport spactatorship, academic achivement, life stress, and social behavior of adolescents.
Participants for this study were 1500 of 13 ∼ 19 aged adolescents. Of participations valid data were 1213. They completed a modified inventory of the academic achivement, life stress, and social behavior. More details, Academic Achivement Scale modified by Lee(1996), Jang(1997), and Ko(1996) and Life Stress by Jang(1996), Social Behavior by Jang(1996) were using to investigate the purpose of this study. Results were analysed in quantitative approaches. Data were collected through self-administered survey.
The most meaningful results of the study were as follows; there was influenced to causual relationship among sport spactatorship, academic achivement, life stress, and social behavior of adolescents.
The results and implications of this study demonstrated that decision maker of school and ministry of education must be support voluntarily environment of sport spactatorship, various counselling program, and various program of sport spactatorship to adolescents in korea.
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The relationship between Sociodemographic Characteristic of Participants in Sports and Urban Community Development 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 참가자의 사회인구학적 특성과 도시 커뮤니티 형성의 관계
40(2) 201-209, 2001
The relationship between Sociodemographic Characteristic of Participants in Sports and Urban Community Development 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 참가자의 사회인구학적 특성과 도시 커뮤니티 형성의 관계
The migration of population due to industrialization and urbanization weakened people's community characteristic, and the traditional community was destructed. Therefore new community development is required to overcome this situation. Based on this recognition, this study is to prove empirically the possibility of contribution toward new community development through various participation in sport of citizen. As subjects for study, participants in sport among Taejon Metropolitan City residents were set up, and then total samples of 1,100 copies were collected using the cluster random sampling. Among them samples of 82 copies estimated either poor answers or worthless materials were excluded. Therefore, finally, samples of 1,018 copies were employed for data analysis. As means of research, organized questionnaires based on self-administration method were used with a little complement. Statistic techniques such as correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the collected data.
Results are as follows.
First, sociodemographic characteristic of participants in sports has an effect on community affection.
Second, sociodemographic characteristic of participants in sports has an effect on willingness for commitment.
Third, sociodemographic characteristic of participants in sports has an effect on cognition of integration.
Forth, sociodemographic characteristic of participants in sports has an effect on community evaluation.
That is, sociodemographic characteristic of participants in sports has an effect on community development. This implies that individual characteristic, and social, economical factors of local residents who participate in sport influence significantly on community development.
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A study on the relationship of sport club activities and community consciousness formation 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠클럽 활동과 커뮤니티 의식형성의 관계
40(2) 211-220, 2001
A study on the relationship of sport club activities and community consciousness formation 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠클럽 활동과 커뮤니티 의식형성의 관계
Community sport clubs are a part of local residents’ interaction being done within a certain community and perform an important role to enlarge its interaction through sport activities developing in people initiated by a join for sport and community. But there is lack of a study from the analysis of a social angle yet. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to prove how much the community sport clubs take part in the community consciousness formation.
For subjects of this study, among adult residents in Daejon Metropolitan city as of 2000, Aug., those who joined the registered Liefesports Council’s and participated in sport activities were set up, and then total samples of 600 copies were collected. Among them, samples of 82 copies estimated either poor answers or worthless materials were excluded, so finally total 516 copies were used. Frequency analysis, Multiple regression analysis were served to analyze the collected data.
Results are as follows.
First, there is difference in social interaction according to individual characteristics.
Second, there is difference in community consciousness according to individual characteristics.
Third, social interaction has an effect on community consciousness.
These results imply that through participation in community sport clubs, social exchange get fostered closely, relationship among neighbors, colleagues get stronger, therefore community consciousness can get built up strong. New community formation should be based on individual subjecthood and common relationship restraining egoism one another. Therefore, it suggested that as participants in sport club activities take part in sport with these general understanding, as each one of them is not selfish and respect individual, new community can get formed.
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Research of North Press Report Trend For Sports of South Versus North Korea -Based On Roh-Dong Newspaper - 스포츠 사회학 : 남ㆍ북한 스포츠경기의 보도경향 - 1970 ~ 1990년 북한 로동신문을 중심으로 -
40(2) 221-229, 2001
Research of North Press Report Trend For Sports of South Versus North Korea -Based On Roh-Dong Newspaper - 스포츠 사회학 : 남ㆍ북한 스포츠경기의 보도경향 - 1970 ~ 1990년 북한 로동신문을 중심으로 -
This research reviews the historical report trend about the sports game between the two nations based on consideration of the contents of Roh-Dong media which is main daily newspaper in the north, and analizes the changeability of report trend under the political circumstances of the two nations.
For this purpose, selected problems to research are as fellows
● The analysis of report trend of Roh-Dong newspaper related to the main sports game between two nations from 1970 to 1990.
● The analysis of report trend changeability of Roh-Dong newspaper related to the main sports game between two nations from 1970 to 1990 under the circumstances of political issues.
The following object and period to research in this paper has been selected for the solution of the above research problems.
1. Object to research: This research chooses the Roh-Dong newspaper among main daily newspapers in the north and selects the object of sports game, related report, and considerably important political status between two nations.
2. Period to research: The years when the main sports game between two nations was performed (Asian or Olympic game, etc.) within 1970-1990.As shown in the above table.
The report trend on sports games of the south and north are as followings:
1. Generally, the period of expression is divided into the hostile expression in 70’s, the relatively friendly expression in 80's, and friendly expression in 90's.
2. Generally, as time goes by, Roh-Dong newspaper refrains from hostile expression using sports about the South Korea.
3. The political status, the atmosphere of a South-North dialogue and interchange correspond to the report trend of sports games and the related reports on the two nations.
In conclusion, in the statement of the South and North Korean press corps which is declared in Peking, they will make efforts toward unification in the report on sports games of the two nations, in order to stop to compete society system, to slander and stimulate each other, and to recover race homogeneity, he statement is a principal fruits for reconciliation of the South and North, construction of confidence, and recovery of race homogeneity, and also it is necessary that the attitude of reports which put it in practice should be maintained.
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A Study on the Relationships among the Sport Leaders and Managers of Ethical Reasoning System 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 상업주의에 따른 스포츠 지도자와 경영자의 윤리의식에 관한 연구
40(2) 231-239, 2001
A Study on the Relationships among the Sport Leaders and Managers of Ethical Reasoning System 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 상업주의에 따른 스포츠 지도자와 경영자의 윤리의식에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between sport leader and manager that may be presented whether has ethical reasoning system. To do this, we first set the group of sport leaders and managers as a population and selected sample of 405 sport leaders and managers using stratified cluster random sampling method.
In case of ethical reasoning system, we used the survey, which is based on Zinn data, Todd theory, and expert advice. As a result, the alpha coefficient resulted in 0.71. Self -administering method was employed to collect the data and statistical methods such as covariance analysis, and regression were employed.
The result of this study is as follows.
First, there is a higher sport leaders more than sport managers ethics of envenvironmental and ethics of norm.
Second, there is a statistical difference in instrumental aggression of ethics of envenvironmental and ethics of norm practice of ethics whether their has positive effect and high a role satisfaction.
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Constuctivism and Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 구성주의와 체육
40(2) 243-252, 2001
Constuctivism and Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 구성주의와 체육
The purpose of this study is to propose a new direction of the teaching methods of physical education in school education by suggesting that the constructivist perspective be able to play a crucial role in being an alternative method to the traditional approaches in the teaching of physical education.
The conclusions of this study are as follows:
First, in order for learners to be responsible for their learning, they should be encouraged to have their internal motivation by setting up the much broader objectives of physical education, giving the privileges if selection to them and encouraging them to take part in learning actively.
Second, in order for learners to accomplish the authentic assessment for prior knowledge, they have to be tested to perform dynamically in whole process of learning.
Third, it is necessary that the time of classes be flexibly uses depending on the individuals’ abilities or interests, and that the unnecessary fragmentation of learning tasks be reduced. And learners should also be internally motivated to create the environments of learning in which they can be encouraged to develop their socially positive attitude rather than competitive atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to use authentic tasks in the skill acquisition process, consequently teacher must focus on the formulation of the internal function of learners.
Forth, the collaboration with the peer group or the expert or teacher helps students appreciate the multiple perspectives and provide them with the various opportunities to make decision of the mode of testing. Therefore, to avoid the biased appreciation or simple practice or rehearsal of learning tasks, and to provide them with various learning contents and methods, the student should be instructed to solve problems by means of negotiation with peer groups or teachers.
Fifth, in point of constructivist view, the role of teachers is to provide learners with participate goal setting, selection of instruction strategies, process of evaluation and to reduce the control of them in the learning process.
Sixth, testing should be integrated with tasks, not separated form activities. Consequently, like instruction, assessment should be based on multiple perspectives.
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A Teacher Portfolio Application to Elementary School Physical Education for Professional Development 스포츠교육학 : 초등체육교수 전문성 개발을 위한 교사포트폴리오 적용
조한무ChoHan-Moo , 조성탁ChoSung-Tahg
40(2) 253-262, 2001
A Teacher Portfolio Application to Elementary School Physical Education for Professional Development 스포츠교육학 : 초등체육교수 전문성 개발을 위한 교사포트폴리오 적용
조한무ChoHan-Moo , 조성탁ChoSung-Tahg
The purpose of the study was to develop a plan using teacher portfolios in elementary physical education. The subject of the study was one elementary school teacher. The study employed ethnographic method which was composed of in-depth interview, documentation, video taping, teacher's dairy, and student’s dairy. The data were analyzed by frequency analysis, systematic analysis, processing analysis, and triangulation.
The results of the study were as follows:
1. Teacher portfolio helped teacher set clear goals for students.
2. Teacher portfolio made teacher think about instruction and teaching methods.
3. Teacher portfolio made teacher increase on-task behavior and decrease off-task behavior in class.
4. Teacher portfolio made teacher consider various aspects of teaching in physical education.
5. Teacher portfolio made teacher confident and positive in teaching physical education.
In future study, more systematic and comprehensive teacher development should be considered.
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A Qualitative Study on the Causes of the Decrease in Judo Popt 스포츠교육학 : 유도 인구 감소 원인에 관한 질적 연구
40(2) 263-274, 2001
A Qualitative Study on the Causes of the Decrease in Judo Popt 스포츠교육학 : 유도 인구 감소 원인에 관한 질적 연구
The purpose of the study is to increase the Judo population and vitalize Judo by investigating the causes of the decrease in the Judo population. To achieve the purpose of the study, materials were collected through the in-depth interviews with seven Private Judo institute chiefs and six school leaders. The collected materials were analyzed by using codes and inductive category analysis, and the reliability, propriety, and morality of the study were ascertained. The causes of the decrease in the Judo population were analyzed respectively in the case of the private institutes, the middle school Judo, and the relation between the private Judo institutes and the middle school Judo. The analyzed results are summarized as follows:
First, the causes of the decrease in the Judo population of the private institutes are the lack of PR(public relations), the absence of various proper teaching programs according to the age, sex, and level, and the difficulty of management.
Second, the causes of the decrease in the middle school Judo population are the difficulty of the long and hard-training process, the decrease in the expert leaders who majored in Judo and the financial burden in the training and the participation in the competition.
Third, there is a close relationship between the private Judo institutes and the middle school Judo; the recession of the private institutes is closely related to the decline of the Judo development because the decrease in the judo population of the private institutes has a great influence on the secure maintenance of the middle school Judo population. The common causes of the decrease in both private institutes and the middle school Judo are that Judo is negatively thought of and unpopular, that the leaders lost their enthusiasm, that teaching is simple and not diverse, that the unfairness of the referees gives a negative image on Judo, and that the financial and the strategic support from the Judo Association and the Education Office is insufficient.
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Motivating Factors in Badminton Player participation 사회체육 : 배드민턴 동호인들의 참여동기 요인
40(2) 277-285, 2001
Motivating Factors in Badminton Player participation 사회체육 : 배드민턴 동호인들의 참여동기 요인
Badminton is one of the most commonly practiced leisure sports in Korea. The aim of this study was to analyze the motivating factors behind badminton players using methods such as population statistics in order to gather data that may be used to further enhance the current status of leisure sports.
First, among the factors that initially drew people to badminton were the following five main traits ; the sport providing a means of departure from normal life, its uniqueness, the sport as a method of activity, socialization and community leisure.
Second, badminton aficianados listed the following reasons for continuing the sport : to preserve personal health (4.28), to enhance one's physical strength (4.25), to become more physically active (3.98), to utilize one's physical abilities (3.96), and to become a more skilled participant of leisure sports (3.95). All of these reasons may be united under badminton as a means of providing physical activity.
Third, a study of population statistics according to the characteristics of age, physical ability, education, occupation and level of participation showed significant differences, especially in terms of badminton as a means of community leisure.
Furthermore, the results of the study indicate the need to expand the analysis to include groups often overlooked such as the elderly, the disabled and pregnant women to gain a more comprehensive insight into methods of improving the current state of leisure sports. Also, besides studying the common linkage between leisure sports and physical well-being, studies that show the effect of sports on psychological and social well-being have been found wanting.
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A study on the model of participants’ preference for the life sports instructor 사회체육 : 생활체육지도자 선호모형에 관한 연구
이유찬LeeYoo-Chan , 손경환SonGyeoung-Hwan
40(2) 287-293, 2001
A study on the model of participants’ preference for the life sports instructor 사회체육 : 생활체육지도자 선호모형에 관한 연구
이유찬LeeYoo-Chan , 손경환SonGyeoung-Hwan
The purpose of this study have meant that this study proves life sports participants participating the sports program of life prefer or dislike what kind of the life sports instructor. The statical techniques which is used for analyzing the collected data through the question inquiry was Conjoint analysis using the creation of direct plan. The subject of researches was the users, 481, of 21 commercial sports facilities of harm located in the National Capital region including the Chun-an city of major.
We concluded as following through those researches method and process.
First, the most important thing was a good career in this part and next thing was a high diplomas among the reasons caused participants’ preference for the life sports instructor.
Second’ the researches showed the favorite model of the life sports instructor to participants as following order; a university graduate man from athlete, a university graduate woman from athlete, a woman regardless of athlete and diploma, and a high school graduation from athlete.
Third, the most dislike model of life the life sports instructor to participants were as following order; a high school graduate woman from athlete, non-athlete man regardless of diploma, a university graduation woman from non-athlete, a university graduation man from non-athlete. We had a conference about the facts mentioned above.
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Youths’ Consumer Behavior according to Sport Products’ Marketing Mix 스포츠산업, 경영 : 스포츠 제품의 마케팅 믹스에 대한 청소년의 중요 인식과 소비 행동
40(2) 297-309, 2001
Youths’ Consumer Behavior according to Sport Products’ Marketing Mix 스포츠산업, 경영 : 스포츠 제품의 마케팅 믹스에 대한 청소년의 중요 인식과 소비 행동
The purpose of this study is to identify youths' consumer behavior with regard to athletic shoes and sportwear. The subjects included 333 male and 269 female teenagers who live in the Seoul area and who were selected by a multi-stage sampling method. Data were collected by using a questionnaire about sport corporations' marketing mix, and the subjects were asked to indicate the degree of importance they place on certain variables on a 5 point Likert scale by the self administration method. The scales were deemed reliable since the Cronbach α for the product, price, place, and promotion scales were .86, .82, .88 and .92, respectively.
As a result, the following conclusions were drawn:
First, the youths surveyed distinguished athletic shoes mostly on the basis of brand, waterproof level, and the authenticity of the purported brand. The distinguishing factors for sportswear were brand, style, and country of manufacture. Second, for athletic shoes, there is a distinct tradeoff between perceived need and available budget for purchase in the buying decision.
Third, the buying decision for athletic shoes is affected by discount sales events for repeat/regular customers. The buying decision for sportswear is affected by radio ads, Internet ads, outdoor ads, DM, peer groups. Fourth, in terms of effects on purchase frequency of sportswear, fabric type had a positive influence whereas high waterproof level had a negative influence.
Fifth, the impression given by the difference in price range of similar products was of statistical significance, positively affecting purchase frequency for athletic shoes. In terms of purchase location, purchase frequency had a positive relation to buying convenience, and a negative relation to degree of difficulty of store access. The degree of difficulty of store access and variety of brands offered were of statistical significance in positively affecting purchase frequency of sportswear. In addition, sports events featuring product names influenced purchase frequency of sportswear as well.
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Technological and Strategic Suggestions on the Korean Sports Information Infrastructure 스포츠산업, 경영 : 한국 스포츠 정보인프라의 기술전략적 방안
김상국SangK.Kim , 노용덕YongD.No , 김우곤WooG.Kim
40(2) 311-334, 2001
Technological and Strategic Suggestions on the Korean Sports Information Infrastructure 스포츠산업, 경영 : 한국 스포츠 정보인프라의 기술전략적 방안
김상국SangK.Kim , 노용덕YongD.No , 김우곤WooG.Kim
The primary purpose of this project was to describe what’s going on in sports information infrastructure in the major Korean sports organizations. The second purpose of this study was to discuss the issues of the Korean sport information infrastructure. The final purpose of this paper was to develop strategic suggestions for Korean sport organizations in terms of sport information infrastructure.
The researchers visited five major sports organizations to collect data for this survey. In addition, an expert meeting was held three times which included 3 computer network experts and 2 physical education professors. The survey questionnaire consisted of 12 categories which this study is trys to address.
This study showed that the five major sport organizations including the Korean Sport Council, the Korean Sport Promotion Foundation, the Korean People Lifetime Sport Association, the Korean Sport Research Institute, and the Korean Horse Affairs Association lacked the manpower necessary to give sport information, due to the budget of sport information infrastructure. Moreover, the top managers of the each sports organization lacked an understanding of the sports information infrastructure. In order to solve these problems, this study suggests use of a new model, the Integrated Sport Information Center(ISIC). This is the best strategic suggestion for promoting the Korean sport information infrastructure.
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A Study on Market Segmentation of Golf Consumer for the Target Marketing 스포츠산업, 경영 : 표적마케팅을 위한 골프소비자의 시장세분화 연구
40(2) 335-345, 2001
A Study on Market Segmentation of Golf Consumer for the Target Marketing 스포츠산업, 경영 : 표적마케팅을 위한 골프소비자의 시장세분화 연구
This Study was to analysis market segmentation of golf consumer for the target marketing. Based on the result, suggestions for establishing effective marketing strategies were made. The reliability of questionnaires used in this study was Cronbach’α =.948 ∼ .952. The statistics were factor analysis, cluster analysis, cross tab analysis.
The following shows the conclusion :
First, the market of golf had positive consumption, middle consumption, negative consumption.
Second, Golf consumer group had 3 segmentation according to psychological trait in the consumption type. First segmentation market was negative consumer group. Second segmentation market was positive consumer group.
Third segmentation market was middle consumer group. Third, According to demographic segmentation, positive consumer group turnd out male, 40 age, over graduate, special job, income 250-299, golf career under 5 years. negative consumer group turnd out female, 30 age, undergraduate, housekeeper, income 150-199, golf career under 3 years.
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The Relationship between Spectator’s Attitude toward Sport Sponsorship and Purchase Intention in Professional Baseball League 스포츠산업, 경영 : 프로야구 관중의 스포츠 스폰서십에대한 태도와 구매의도의 관계
40(2) 347-360, 2001
The Relationship between Spectator’s Attitude toward Sport Sponsorship and Purchase Intention in Professional Baseball League 스포츠산업, 경영 : 프로야구 관중의 스포츠 스폰서십에대한 태도와 구매의도의 관계
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between spectator’s attitude toward sport sponsorship and purchase intention in professional baseball league. Subjects of 492 were recruited from spectators who attended the stadium for home game of 8 regional teams in ‘Samsung Fn.com 2000 Professional Baseball’ Questionnaire was obtained by self-administration method with cluster random sampling method. Questionnaire was consisted of level of watching a game for involvement classification, attitude toward professional baseball(APB), perceived attitude toward sponsorship(PAS), attitude toward product(AP) of title sponsor, and purchase intention(PI). After examination of reliability and validity for the questionnaire with Cronbach’s Alpha and factor analysis, it was used for study. Proper 455 out of collected 492 data were analyzed according to study purpose with Descriptive analysis, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Simple Regression analysis, and Multiple Regression analysis with Enter type method. Results are as follows. First, rate of recall for title sponsorship was 53.6%. Second, only effect of promotion between recall group and non recall group was statistically significant. Third, each variable analysis of pro baseball involvement indicated that there was significant difference among APB, effect of image promotion, AP, and PI. Fourth, APB have an effect on direct watching, effect of image promotion, and effect of event contribution; effect of image promotion which is one of perceived sponsorship have an effect on AP and PI; effect of event contribution have an effect on AP and PI; effect of promotion have an effect on AP; AP have an effect on PI.
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A anaylsis of Organizational environments and a formation of Strategy for Korea Badminton Association 스포츠산업, 경영 : 대한배드민턴협회의 조직환경 분석과 조직전략 탐색
박영옥ParkYoung-Ok , 이용식LeeYong-Sik
40(2) 361-370, 2001
A anaylsis of Organizational environments and a formation of Strategy for Korea Badminton Association 스포츠산업, 경영 : 대한배드민턴협회의 조직환경 분석과 조직전략 탐색
박영옥ParkYoung-Ok , 이용식LeeYong-Sik
The National Governing Bodies(NGBs) such as Korea Badminton Association are confronted with the uncertainty which has emerged from the radical change in organizational environments: the first is a claim to the market oriented management for non profit organization, the second is a decrease of pulic fund for NGBs.
Based on Thibaut et at.(1993), this study searched the suitable and realizable stategy for KBA. In order to select it, we uncovered the external and internal environmental factors adapting to SWOT analysis. As a result, the opportunity for KBA are the large size of active participants in badminton and the advantageous market condition for sportsponsoring because of the growth of the consumption power in China, Nics. The threat factors are a instability of money from the Corporate in charge of KBA and a decrease of public fund. The strength of KBA is that the players ranked highly in a international competition. The another strength is that it concerned about the development, especially to proceed to a adaptive organization. The weak facors of that organization are the inactivity to be self-sufficient. There are no expert or manager in KBA.
We concluded that KBA with low program attractiveness and weak competition position will adopt the explorer strategy. As a explorer, KBA need to make detail tactics. This study recommended that KBA try to extend the size of client base in order to strengthen competition position and to ready for improving program attractiveness. KBA will aim at uncovering attractive program. the index of variable ‘attractive program’ is fundabililty, volunteer appeal and media visibility(or support group appeal)
For fundabililty KBA need to manage multiple sources, for example revenue from sportsponsorship, prize, public fund, and membership fee etc. And for more volunteer appeal, KBA must make membership program to include Players Membership, general Membership, Membership for Coaches, Referees and administrators. To enhance media visibilty, KBA had better take a side with reformist who choose a ‘domestic sport strategy’ including sport club system in korea.
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A Study on the User's Lifestyle Segmentation in Commercial Sport Center 스포츠산업, 경영 : 상업스포츠센터 이용자의 라이프 스타일 세분화 연구
박찬규ParkChan-Kyu , 이병관LeeByung-Kwan
40(2) 371-383, 2001
A Study on the User's Lifestyle Segmentation in Commercial Sport Center 스포츠산업, 경영 : 상업스포츠센터 이용자의 라이프 스타일 세분화 연구
박찬규ParkChan-Kyu , 이병관LeeByung-Kwan
This study was intended to look through the fact-revealing o with regard to their services contentment, behaviors after purchasing, demographic segmentation according to the user’s lifestyle segmentation in commercial sport center.
The objectives of this study were selected with 10 sports centers which is managing their facilities commercially with over 3 kinds events, which are located on Seoul City, Inchon City, Kyonggi Province. As it were, there selected total 760 samples for the analysis of this study.
128 respondents out of every 632 respondents were excluded from this study for the purpose of the fulfillment of accurate, authentic research. As it were, the available sample data was factually a total of 83.1%.
To induce the results from this research, this researcher utilized variable analysis methods such as Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, One Way ANOVA, and Cross Analysis.
The findings of this study were as follows :
First, it was possible to verify the availability of lifestyle variable as the criteria standard for market segmentation.
Second, their services contentment, according to the user’s lifestyle segmentation in commercial sport center, had statistically significant differences with regard to the aspects of its frequency, intensity, period.
Third, in the other hands, concerning their behaviors after purchasing, there had statistically significant differences with regard to the aspects of iterative buying, other’s recommendation.
Fourth, there had statistically significant differences in the demographic factors like their ages, academic achievements according to the user’s lifestyle segmentation in commercial sport center. However, it’s a matter of complete indifference to respondents’ income differential.
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An Exploratoiy Study erf the Consumer Characteristics in korean Sport Market 스포츠산업, 경영 : 한국 스포츠시장의 소비자특성에 관한 탐색연구
서성한SuhSung-Han , 김찬경KimChan-Kyung
40(2) 385-405, 2001
An Exploratoiy Study erf the Consumer Characteristics in korean Sport Market 스포츠산업, 경영 : 한국 스포츠시장의 소비자특성에 관한 탐색연구
서성한SuhSung-Han , 김찬경KimChan-Kyung
Sport as a product in marketing terms have distinctive characteristics against conventional tangible consumer goods. Prior studies on sports industry in Korea largely have focused on the motivations of the sports consumers participating in sports activities. In addition, those studies have touched characteristics of sport consumers from the organization’s side only when the organizations are directly related with sports. Therefore the marketing implications currently applied in areas out of sport industry have been disregarded. Today, the concepts and traits of sport are more preferred by companies with no direct relationship with sports industry. Sports marketing spreads out its boundaries by sport as an efficient promotional instrument. This trend forces sport-related studies to concentrate more on the market-driven concerns beneficial to marketing performance in companies.
This study tried to reveal the hidden characteristics of sports consumers through two consecutive surveys. Samples were selected among the students currently enrolled in universities around Seoul and its suburbs. Results showed a idiosyncratic characteristics of sports consumers in opinion leadership, media habits, and attitude to the sport sponsors. Findings of this study can provide a useful grounds for following studies in the field of sport marketing.
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The Effect of Involvement and Brand Familiarity on Purchase Intension of Title Sponsor’s Product in Professional Soccer League 스포츠산업, 경영 : 프로축구 관여도와 상표 친숙도가 타이틀스폰서 제품의 구매의도에 미치는 영향
서희정SeoHee-Jung , 김용만KimYong-Man
40(2) 407-419, 2001
The Effect of Involvement and Brand Familiarity on Purchase Intension of Title Sponsor’s Product in Professional Soccer League 스포츠산업, 경영 : 프로축구 관여도와 상표 친숙도가 타이틀스폰서 제품의 구매의도에 미치는 영향
서희정SeoHee-Jung , 김용만KimYong-Man
The purpose of this study is to examine the difference of title sponsor image, degree of likability for title sponsors and purchase intention of title sponsor product according to involvement in professional soccer league and brand familiarity. Also it is to examine the effect of involvement in professional soccer league and brand familiarity on the title sponsor image, degree of likability for title sponsor and purchase intention of title sponsor product.
To effect this purpose, I extracted 1,032 copies from visitors of 10 soccer stadiums in soccer teams’ related provinces who came to view ‘Samsung digital K-league’, the regular league of professional soccer. Among these, 986 copies were used except those on which less than 3 items were answered. From these materials I obtained following results by- using Descriptives analysis, 2-way ANOVA, and Multiple regression analysis with SPSSWIN Ver 8.0. The results were as follows;
First, there is difference in title sponsor image according to the degree of involvement in professional soccer league and brand familiarity. Second, there is difference in the degree of likability for title sponsor according to the degree of involvement in professional soccer league and brand familiarity. Third, there is difference in purchase intention of title sponsor product according to the decree of involvement in professional soccer league and brand familiarity. Fourth, the degree of involvement in professional soccer league and brand familiarity influence title sponsor image. Fifth, the degree of involvement in professional soccer league and brand familiarity influence the degree of likability for title sponsors. Sixth, the degree of involvement in professional soccer league and brand familiarity influence purchase intention of title sponsor product. Seventh, title sponsor image and the degree of likability for title sponsor influence purchase intention of title sponsor product.
Centering around these results, I suggested following 6 plans to enterprises. First, program development of continuous participation in sponsorship. Second, effective use of mass communication. Third, thorough plan of budget drafting. Fourth, development of promotional events. Fifth, use of various events. Sixth, evaluation of sponsorship effects.
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A Study on the Legal Liability of General Fitness Center in Korea 스포츠산업, 경영 : 한국 종합헬스센타의 법률적 책임과 의무에 관한 연구
40(2) 421-438, 2001
A Study on the Legal Liability of General Fitness Center in Korea 스포츠산업, 경영 : 한국 종합헬스센타의 법률적 책임과 의무에 관한 연구
This study conducted a survey on 393 fitness center employees and customers in order to examine the fulfillment of the legal liability of the general fitness centers in Korea and thus to provide basic data conducive to the establishment of future-oriented legal conditions. The results of the analysis on the research data reached the following conclusion;
1. The level of the legal knowledge and understanding of the general fitness center consumers low generally.
2. With respect to general fitness center consumers´ satisfaction and concern about legal affairs, most of them had comparatively high satisfaction and concern.
3. With respect to the recognition of the fulfillment of legal liability, most of them recognized the problems related to general fitness centers.
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Relationship between Organizational Structures in Physical Education and Job Satisfaction 스포츠산업, 경영 : 체육조직구조와 직무만족의 관계
오연풍YounPungOh , 조송현SongHyeonCho , 김재원JaeWonKim
40(2) 439-447, 2001
Relationship between Organizational Structures in Physical Education and Job Satisfaction 스포츠산업, 경영 : 체육조직구조와 직무만족의 관계
오연풍YounPungOh , 조송현SongHyeonCho , 김재원JaeWonKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between organizational structures in physical education and job satisfaction. It was defined as independent variable to have organizational structures in physical education, while job satisfaction as dependent variable. The sample was drawn from 353 members working at several physical education organizations: The Korea Sport Council, Seoul Sport Council, Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation and The National Council of Sport for All. They were selected by the method of purposive sampling. A questionnaire was designed to measure effects of organizational structures in physical education on job satisfaction. The questionnaire consisted of open-ended questions. The reliability of the questionnaire was ranging from α=.7112 to α=.8032. The statistical techniques used for the analysis of this study were correlation analysis and regression analysis through SPSS/PC windows V 10.0 program.
The results of this study were as follows:
First, Complexity of organizational structures in physical education effected on negative job satisfaction. Specially, horizontal specialization effected on negative job satisfaction while, perpendicular specialization doesn’t effected on job satisfaction.
Second, Formalization of organizational structures in physical education effected on positive job satisfaction. Specially, subdivision of stipulation and degree of management effected on positive job satisfaction.
Third, Centralization of organizational structures in physical education effected on negative job satisfaction. Specially, making decision influence of the highest manager effected on negative job satisfaction while, control of discretion power doesn’t effected on job satisfaction.
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The Effects of Consumer Satisfaction, Repurchase Mind, Word of Month Intention Service Quality of Public Sport Facilities 스포츠산업, 경영 : 공공스포츠시설의 서비스 품질이 소비자 만족, 재구매 의사 및 구전의도에 미치는 영향
40(2) 449-458, 2001
The Effects of Consumer Satisfaction, Repurchase Mind, Word of Month Intention Service Quality of Public Sport Facilities 스포츠산업, 경영 : 공공스포츠시설의 서비스 품질이 소비자 만족, 재구매 의사 및 구전의도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to analyze relationship service quality of public sports facilities and consumer satisfaction, repurchase mind, word of month intention and to provide useful information in developing marketing strategy.
Consumer in the public sports facility located in seoul as of 2000 were selected as the population of test in this study and randomly sampled who were using any facility for more than one month of those using any of 4 public sports facility with the use of the cluster random sampling method and 408 out of 450 questionnaire were accepted for this research.
The questionnaire for this study were questionnaire for the public sports facilities developed by Heo Hyun-Mi(1997) and were reorganized to the purpose of repurchase mind, word of mouth intention by Hong Joo-Bin(1997).
First, Among the factors of service qualities in the program, main facilities, staff showed influence on consumer satisfaction.
Second, Among the factors of service qualities in the contribution community, leader, assistance facilities showed influence on repurchase mind.
Third, Among the factors of service qualities in the contribution community, leader, assistance facilities showed influence on ward of mouse intention.
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How the Interactive Employee Relationship from Field C. C Affects on Customers’ Satisfaction and Their Continued Relationship 스포츠산업, 경영 : 필드골프장 서비스종업원의 고객 지향적 행위가 고객만족과 관계지속성에 미치는 영향
이남미NamMiLee , 이근모KeunMoLee
40(2) 459-468, 2001
How the Interactive Employee Relationship from Field C. C Affects on Customers’ Satisfaction and Their Continued Relationship 스포츠산업, 경영 : 필드골프장 서비스종업원의 고객 지향적 행위가 고객만족과 관계지속성에 미치는 영향
이남미NamMiLee , 이근모KeunMoLee
This study was to analysis that employees, as a personal environmental factor of those factors of golf club, influence the evaluation of customers by means of their customer’s intention with customers and how the evaluation of customers effects on short-term company’s sales and future continuance which are related to annual profit of the golf club from continued relationship with customers.
Golf industry is for supplying service to provide facilities and improve convenience of using facilities. Service is intangible and a series of activities of which product and consumption occur at the same time. Therefore, the business starts from customer’s intention between customers and employees. Though Facility environmental factor is also a very important one for customers, the personal environmental factor will make profit growth of golf clubs and its forever customers. Based on this kinds of theoretical system, a study model was constructed, a hypothesis was set, and actual proof analytics was performed to prove the hypothesis. This study sampled each 106 and 95 customers from Public C. C. and Membership C. C. which were located in Gyungsang Province, Factors come from factor analysis and the results were from path analysis.
As a result, this study agreed that interactive employee relationship in golf clubs affects on customer satisfaction, trust, and continued relationship and interactive relationship did not influence directly but indirectly on continued relationship. Many studies related to service quality works empathize the personal environment factor. Therefore, the managers of golf clubs should build strategies which professional service employees right to their field’s qualification can satisfy customers with and exercise customer-oriented education to improve its service.
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Determinative Factors of Consumer Behavior of Volleyball Fan 스포츠산업, 경영 : 배구 팬의 소비 행동 결정 요인 분석
40(2) 469-479, 2001
Determinative Factors of Consumer Behavior of Volleyball Fan 스포츠산업, 경영 : 배구 팬의 소비 행동 결정 요인 분석
The purpose of this study was to analysis the determinative factors of consumer behavior of volleyball and to test an influence of game filed, game situation, the spectating promotion, the loyalty for a certain team, the satisfaction of spectating the game, the desire to continue seeing the game for a long time on the intention to revisit the game field.
To attain the goal of the study, some viewers of 2000 Season Volleyball Super League held in Gamsil Sports Complex Stadium were set as a collected group. Then, using the stratified systematic stratified cluster random sampling method, finally drew out and analyzed 482 people in total.
The material collection device was the brochure named . The result of reliability check up was Chronbach’ α =.755∼ .898. To analyze materials, factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, correlation analysis, and path analysis were used as statistic analysis techniques.
The conclusion based on above study method and the result of material analysis are here below.
First, The game field, game situation, the loyalty for a certain team, the satisfaction of spectating the game, the desire to continue spectating: the game for a long time influence on the consumer behavior of volleyball fan.
Second, The game field, game situation, the loyally for a certain team, the spectating promotion influence on the intention to revisit the game field.
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The relation between brand personality inherent in sports goods and consumer’s attitude 스포츠산업, 경영 : 스포츠용품에 내재된 브랜드개성 차원과 소비자 태도와의 관계
이학래HakLaeLee , 최덕환DeokHwanChoi
40(2) 481-493, 2001
The relation between brand personality inherent in sports goods and consumer’s attitude 스포츠산업, 경영 : 스포츠용품에 내재된 브랜드개성 차원과 소비자 태도와의 관계
이학래HakLaeLee , 최덕환DeokHwanChoi
To find the relation between sports goods brand-personality differences and consumers, the purpose of this study is to seize the relation between sports goods brand and consumer, and to fumble for a new way how brand personality inherent in sports goods stipulate for consumer’s decision.
The survey objets were determined by the commerce facility users and the valid withdrawal rate was 71.2%(427persons). The instrument of the research is questionnaire(survey), in which BPS(Brand Personality Scale) of J. Aaker(1997) is used and below variations are filled with sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness, and the scale of consumer attitude is based on the questionnaire of Dongjin Moon(1999) and Kyungmi Lee(1999). The frequency analysis for the vital statistic variation, ANOVA, t-test, multiple regression analysis using the method of Stepwise are used for the following results which are obtained from the accumulated research data.
1. Within the relation between sports consumer characteristic and sports goods brand personality,
1) band personality factors(sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness) inherent in sports wear and goods are significantly exposed in accordance with distinction of sex and sports career.
2) among the brand personality factors inherent in sports footwear, there is significant difference in sincerity, excitement, sophistication, and ruggedness in accordance with distinction of sex and sports career.
2. Within the relation between the sports consumer characteristic and consumer attitude about goods.
1) there is significant differences with an advertisement of sports wear and repurchase, in accordance with distinction of sex, age, and sports career.
2) there is significance among design, price and repurchase in sports footwear in accordance with sex, and in accordance with age, design of sports footwear and repurchase are closely related.
3. how much brand personality inherent in sports goods effects consumer’s attitude is like followings.
1) advertisement which is the brand personality factor has close relation with price-making in sports wear, and concretely refined explanation was the most important factor.
2) brand personality factors have close relation with brand, design, advertisement, price, and repurchase in sports footwear, and explanation of health which prefers outdoor inclination was the most important factor.
3) design, advertisement, price, and repurchase which are brand personality factors are closely related in sports goods, and explanation of ability which prefers quality/capacity inclination was the most important factor.
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A Study on Therapeutic Recreation Program and Social Adaptation for Criminals in the Open Correctional Institution 여가, 레크리에이션 : 개방교도소 재소자들의 치료레크리에이션 프로그램과 사회적응력에 관한 연구
심상신ShimSang-Shin , 박선기ParkSun-Ki
40(2) 497-506, 2001
A Study on Therapeutic Recreation Program and Social Adaptation for Criminals in the Open Correctional Institution 여가, 레크리에이션 : 개방교도소 재소자들의 치료레크리에이션 프로그램과 사회적응력에 관한 연구
심상신ShimSang-Shin , 박선기ParkSun-Ki
The purpose of this study is to examine closely the relationship between the therapeutic recreation program and social adaptation for criminals in the open correctional institution. The research was conducted among criminals from a penitentiary located in Cheonan. 312 prisoners were selected among those who entered the penal institution on June 22, July 22, August 22, and September 22, 2000. A survey was used as the research instrument. The statistical analysis used to test the research hypotheses and assumptions were multiple regression analysis and path analysis, and each hypothesis was tested at the level of α=.05.
Results obtained through these methods and procedures were as following : The first, the criminals sports activities, hobbies & cultural activities included in the therapeutic recreation program influenced the level of environment satisfaction attained from the institutions facilities satisfaction. The rest activities, outside activities, hobbies & cultural activities included in the therapeutic recreation program influenced the level of environment satisfaction regarding the programs satisfaction. The outside activities and hobbies & cultural activities influenced the level of environment satisfaction regarding the therapists satisfaction. The second, the sports activities included in the therapeutic recreation program and the environment satisfaction attained from the program satisfaction and its therapists satisfaction exerted influence upon the social adaptation. The third, after analyzing, with a focus on each variable, the causality inherent between the therapeutic recreation program therapeutic recreation environment satisfaction and social adaptation, it was found that: a) the rest activities, through the program satisfaction, exerts an indirect causal influence on the social adaptation, b) outside activities, hobbies & cultural activities, through the environment satisfaction gained from the program satisfaction and its therapists satisfaction, shows an indirect causal influence on the social adaptation and, c) the sports activities and the environment satisfaction attained from the program satisfaction and its therapists satisfaction directly exerts a causal influence on the social adaptation. With the results shown above, it is concluded, then, that the therapeutic recreation program and the therapeutic environment satisfaction thus exert both an indirect and direct causal influence on the criminals social adaptation.
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A Correlational Relationship between Adolescents` Cognitive & Emotional factors for Leisure Activities 여가, 레크리에이션 : 청소년의 여가만족도에 관한 인지적요인과 정서적요인의 영향력
40(2) 507-515, 2001
A Correlational Relationship between Adolescents` Cognitive & Emotional factors for Leisure Activities 여가, 레크리에이션 : 청소년의 여가만족도에 관한 인지적요인과 정서적요인의 영향력
This is a correlational analysis of causes and effects of leisure participation of adolescents who are 862 high school students in Seoul and Kanglyung. For the purpose of this study, a self-administered questionnaire containing cognitive domain, emotional domain, and satisfaction level was developed. Results of this study were as follows:
1) Cognitive level regarding leisure activity were influenced 29.93%(R² =0.2993) by the causes of leisure participation. ‘Taking Break’ was the most significant reason to participate in a leisure activity.
2) Emotional level regarding leisure activity were influenced 34.12%(R²=0.3412) by the causes of leisure participation. ‘Taking Break’ was the most significant reason to participate in a leisure activity.
3) Emotional domain was more significant variable than cognitive domain to the effects of leisure participation. ‘Challenge’ was the most significant reason to participate in a leisure activity.
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The effects of aquatic exercise on body composition and serum lipids in obese middle - aged women 운동생리학 : 수중 운동이 중년 비만 여성의 체조성과 혈청지질 변화에 미치는 영향
40(2) 519-527, 2001
The effects of aquatic exercise on body composition and serum lipids in obese middle - aged women 운동생리학 : 수중 운동이 중년 비만 여성의 체조성과 혈청지질 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aquatic exercise on body composition and serum lipids in obese middle-aged women.
Eighteen obese middle-aged women were selected to perform the aquatic exercise with intensity of 70∼80% HRmax and RPE 13∼15 for 60min/day, 4 times/week during 12weeks.
The conclusions of the study were as follows ;
1. In the changes of body composition factors, percent body fat and total body fat were significantly decreased, but body weight and lean body mass were not changed significantly
2 In the changes of serum lipids factors, high density lipoprotein cholesterol was significantly increased, but total cholesterol, lower density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride were significantly decreased.
In summarizing the results, body composition and serum lipids factors were significantly increased or decreased.
The results of this study reaffirms the results that the aquatic exercise training is much effective in several physical aspects.
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Comparative Analysis on Characteristics of Creatine phosphokinase and Lactate dehydrogenase during Anaerobic Exercise in Highly Trained Soccer Players 운동생리학 : 국가대표축구선수의 무산소운동시 크레아틴인산 효소와 젖산탈수소 효소에 대한 연구
강대관DaeKwanKang , 김기봉KiBongKim
40(2) 529-538, 2001
Comparative Analysis on Characteristics of Creatine phosphokinase and Lactate dehydrogenase during Anaerobic Exercise in Highly Trained Soccer Players 운동생리학 : 국가대표축구선수의 무산소운동시 크레아틴인산 효소와 젖산탈수소 효소에 대한 연구
강대관DaeKwanKang , 김기봉KiBongKim
The goal of sport science is to identify the variables which influence of improving the athletic performance of a particular sport or event. Many studies have been made to investigate the appropriate variables for effectively performing the various sport activities.
The subjects selected for this study were 14 National delegates, 13 collegiate soccer players and untrained collegiate students.
The purposes of this study were to analyze the contributions of creatine phosphokinase and lactate dehydrogenase during rest, immediate and recovery periods after 10-second anaerobic exercise in highly trained soccer players and to offer the basic scientific informations for the new talent selection and useful anaerobic exercise prescription programs for training the excellent soccer players.
The findings of this study were as follows;
The creatine phosphokinase and lactate dehydrogenase levels during rest were significantly higher in National delegates and collegiate players than collegiate students, and creatine phosphokinase were significantly higher in National delegates than collegiate players. The creatine phosphoklnase and lactate dehydrogenase levels at immediate period after 10-second exercise were significantly higher in National delegates and collegiate players than collegiate students, and creatine phosphokinase were significantly higher in National delegates than collegiate players.
The creatine phosphokinase and lactate dehydrogenase levels during recovery periods were significantly higher in National delegates and collegiate players than collegiate students, and creatine phosphokinase was significantly higher in National delegates than collegiate players.
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Study of bone mineral density of upper and lower limbs in different athletics 운동생리학 : 운동종목에 따른 상하지 골밀도에 대한 연구
The purpose of this study was to compare the bone mineral density on the dominant limb with the non-dominant limb and to examine the relationship of BMD among the athletes joining three different events. In edition interlimb interactions of highly trained young male athletes was investigated. Thirty-four subjects volunteered for this investigation and divided in to four groups: table tennis(age=21.9yrs, n=8), Fencing(age=19.9yrs, n=8), Weight lifter(age=21.3yrs, n=9), and age matched control(age=21 yrs, n=9). Measurements of BMD(g/㎝2) utilizing dual energy x-ray absorbmetry were obtained for the proximal femur(neck, trochander, ward’s triangle, shaft) and arm(radius UD, ulna UD, radius 33%, ulna 33%).
The BMD values for the athletic groups were found to be greater at lower limb as compared with control group. Especially the BMD values fir the weight lifter were greater at all sites as compared with other groups. But the BMD values of the upper limb of fencing and table tennis groups were partially lower than control group.
We found that there were significant differences of the BMD on the dominant and non dominant limb among groups. In fencing groups, the dominant limb showed significantly greater than non dominant limb, whereas no significant difference found among other groups.
In conclusion, the level of increase on BMD values are somewhat different among the athletes and such increase seems to be dependant on the level of work intensity.
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The effects of shoulder isokinetic muscle strength, cardiovascular system on aerobic exercise and resistance strength exercise program in elderly women 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동과 저항성 운동 프로그램이 고령 여성의 심혈관계 및 견관절 등속성 근력에 미치는 영향
The effects of shoulder isokinetic muscle strength, cardiovascular system on aerobic exercise and resistance strength exercise program in elderly women 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동과 저항성 운동 프로그램이 고령 여성의 심혈관계 및 견관절 등속성 근력에 미치는 영향
This study is to catch the effects of shoulder isokinetic muscle strength, cardiovascular system on aerobic exercise and resistance strength exercise program in elderly women(65-72 years), we enrolled 10 elderly women into 12week aerobic exercise and resistance strength exercise training program. In measurements index, percent body fat and body fluid were determined by bioelectrical impedance measures. Cardiovascular system assessment included measurements of heart rate, blood pressure, myocardial oxygen uptake, oxygen uptake, ECG V5 ST levels, V5 ST slope. Shoulder isokinetic muscle strength assessment included measurements of peak torque, average power in 60o/sec and 180o/sec.
After exercise program, HRrest were decreased significantly(p<0.05), and HRpeak were increased significantly(p<0.05). SBPpeak were decreased significantly(p<0.01). Also MVO₂rest(p<0.01) and MV0₂peak(p<0.05) were decreased significantly. And VO₂rest and VO₂peak were increased significantly (p<0.01). Exercise time also increased significantly(p<0.01). In shoulder isokinetic muscle strength, after program, peak torque, average power in 60o/sec and 180o/sec were increased.
These data suggest that aerobic exercise and resistance strength exercise program in elderly women is an effective to improve cardiovascular system factors and shoulder isokinetic muscle strength
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Developing the mixed model of anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance for estimation of total body fat in 〉 50 ys old subjects 운동생리학 : 50대 이상 성인 남녀의 신체 총 지방량 산출을 위한 인체 측정법 및 생체 전기 저항 측정법의 혼합 모형 개발
김명기MyungKiKim , 김창국ChangKookKim
40(2) 559-568, 2001
Developing the mixed model of anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance for estimation of total body fat in 〉 50 ys old subjects 운동생리학 : 50대 이상 성인 남녀의 신체 총 지방량 산출을 위한 인체 측정법 및 생체 전기 저항 측정법의 혼합 모형 개발
김명기MyungKiKim , 김창국ChangKookKim
The purpose of the study were to develope age and sex specific regression equation for prediction of total body fat by DEXA(independent variables) in > 50 y-old subjects by means of the mixed model of BIA and anthropometry. For the purpose of study, 124 elderly subjects(male:56, female:68) were measured. The results are as follows:
First, The mixed model of anthropometry and BIA showed the highest correlation with DEXA both man(r² = 0.913) and women(r²= 0.940).
Second, BIA variables(man: r² = 0.885, women: r²= 0.927) increased the correlation coefficients than using anthropometry(man: r² = 0.843, women: r² = 0.907).
Third, The value of total body fat obtained DEXA showed the highest correlation with the Weight and hip circumference measured by anthropometry.
These findings suggest that our equations developed by the mixed model of anthropometry and BIA may improve prediction of total body fat in >50-y-old man and women.
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The relation between aerobic exercise capacity and serum lipoprotein profiles in college females 운동생리학 : 여자대학생들에 있어서 유산소성 운동 능력과 혈청 지단백 성분들간의 상관관계
The purpose of this study was to determine relationship between aerobic exercise capacity and serum lipoprotein profiles for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in college females. Twelve college females subjects performed maximal exercise test Modified Bruce Protocol) using a treadmill to measure maximal oxygen uptake (VO₂max), maximal heart rate(HRmax), ventilation(VE) and respiratory quotient(RQ). Using a enzymatic calorimetric, a bioelectrical impedance analysis were utilized to measure serum lipoprotein profiles, and percent body fat. Analysis of multiple correlation and linear regression were used as the experimental data analysis method. This results demonstrate that there was a signigicant relationship between Vo₂ max and percent body fat, HDL-Cholesterol, and HRmax in college females.
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The Effects of Low Carbohydrate Diet and Aerobic Exercise on the Body Composition and Blood Lipid Profiles of Obese Students in the Middle School 운동생리학 : 저탄수화물 식이요법과 유산소운동이 중학교 비만학생의 체중과 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
김병로ByungRohKim , 이동식DongSikLee
40(2) 579-589, 2001
The Effects of Low Carbohydrate Diet and Aerobic Exercise on the Body Composition and Blood Lipid Profiles of Obese Students in the Middle School 운동생리학 : 저탄수화물 식이요법과 유산소운동이 중학교 비만학생의 체중과 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
김병로ByungRohKim , 이동식DongSikLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of low carbohydrate diet and aerobic exercise on the body composition and blood lipid profiles of obese students in the middle school. Twenty-seven obese students from Changwon C middle school participated in this study. The subjects were composed of diet group(6), exercise group(7), diet & exercise group(7), control group(7) respectively. Measurement items were made of body weight, body fat, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, C-ratio etc. We have observed the following results.
1. Body weight was significantly different between pre and post treatment.
2. There were insignificantly different in body fat, HDL-cholesterol, the ratio of total cholesterol /HDL-cholesterol among groups and between treatments.
3. The concentration of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol before treatment significantly decreased than that of total-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol after treatment.
4. The concentration of triglyceride of diet & exercise group, diet group significantly decreased than that of control group.
Therefore, the results suggested that low carbohydrat diet and aerobic exercisr could had the positive effects of the body weight control and blood lipid profiles of obese students in the middle school.
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Effect of Hypothalamic - Pituitary - Adrenal axis on running and dumbbell exercise for 10 weeks in Obesity girl students 운동생리학 : 10 주간 달리기 운동과 덤벨체조 프로그램이 비만 여중생의 시상하부 - 뇌하수체 - 부신축 호르몬에 미치는 영향
40(2) 591-600, 2001
Effect of Hypothalamic - Pituitary - Adrenal axis on running and dumbbell exercise for 10 weeks in Obesity girl students 운동생리학 : 10 주간 달리기 운동과 덤벨체조 프로그램이 비만 여중생의 시상하부 - 뇌하수체 - 부신축 호르몬에 미치는 영향
The aim of this study were to investigate the change of the ACTH, Cortisol, Prolactin, Aldosterone. In this study, running(HRmax 50∼70%, 30∼40mins/day, 4days/week) and dumbbell exercise(1 ∼2㎏, 30 ∼40mins/day, 4days/week) were performed and 24 obesity girl students(control group, n=8, running group; n=8, dumbbell group; n=8) were traine for 10 weeks. And the change of ACTH, Cortisol, Prolactin, Aldosterone have been measured 3 times before, by post exercise 5 weeks and 10 weeks respectively. Statistical techniques for data analysis were One-Way ANOVA exercise duration(before, 5weeks, 10weeks ) and repeated measure ANOVA to determine the difference between the running group and dumbbell group. The 0.05 level of significance was as critical level for this study. The result of this study were as following;
1. The concentration of ACTH was increased(18,01ng/㎖, 17.09ng/㎖, p$lt;0.01) significantly after 10 weeks of both running and dumbbell group respectively. But no significant difference was found between two exercise groups.
2. L The concentration of Cortisol was increased(83.94 μIU/㎖, 78.65 μIU/㎖, p$lt;0.01) significantly after 10 weeks of both running and dumbbell group respectively. But no significant difference was found between two exercise groups.
3. The concentration of prolactin and aldosterone were not show any statistically significant difference after 10 weeks of both running and dumbbell exercise respectively.
These results suggest that running and dumbbell exercise for 10weeks effect on Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis(HPAaxis) hormone response in obesity girl students. But prolactin and aldosterone were not significantly affected by exercise modes and treatments periods.
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Change of sarcomere length, myonuclear number, cross - sectional area and capillary density during contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscle 운동생리학 : 골격근의 수축과 이완시 근절의 길이, 근핵의 수, 근섬유 횡단면적 및 모세혈관의 변화
김수선SooSunKim , 권영우YoungWooKwun
40(2) 601-609, 2001
Change of sarcomere length, myonuclear number, cross - sectional area and capillary density during contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscle 운동생리학 : 골격근의 수축과 이완시 근절의 길이, 근핵의 수, 근섬유 횡단면적 및 모세혈관의 변화
김수선SooSunKim , 권영우YoungWooKwun
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the structural change of muscle fiber during contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscle using soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) of Spraque-Dawley rat (n=5). The muscle sample was obtained at two different angles; reflexed (30o) and extended (160o). Morphological variables were measured using histochemistry and confocal microscopy. The result revealed that the sarcomere length was significantly different at different angles in both muscle groups (SOL: p<01; EDL: p< 001).
Myonuclear number of EDL was markedly increased during contraction than relaxation, whereas no significant difference was found in SOL (p >.05).
Cross-sectional area and capillary density of SOL was increased during contraction than relaxation, but there was no significant difference in EDL.
In conclusion, change of muscle length have an effect on the structure of muscle fiber, futhermore the degree of change observed differently between two muscle groups although the length was changed by the same extend.
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The Effect of Exercise Programs on Blood Component of Visually Handicapped 운동생리학 : 시각장애인의 운동프로그램 참여가 혈액성분에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exercise programs on blood component of the visually handicapped(VH).
This study included 8 VH men with mean age of 27 in the treatment group and 8 VH men with mean age 26 in the control group. The subjects in the treatment group volunteered to train on exercise programs. The performed aerobic and weight training 60 min/day, 3 days/week, and HRmax 50%(intensity), 5 weeks after HRmax 60%(intensity), 9 weeks after HRmax 70%(intensity), was administered for 12 weeks.
Changes of blood Component adaptive behavior from the(exercise programs) treatment were compared and analysed.
The results of this study were as follows :
1. There were significant decreases of Total Cholesterol(p<0.00)
2. There were significant decreases of Triglyceride(p<0.00)
3. There were significant increase of HDL-Cholesterol(p<0.00)
4. There were significant decreases of LDL-Cholesterol(p<0.00)
5. There were significant decreases of Aspartate Arnino transferase(p<0.00).
6. There were not significant changes of Albumin and Glucose(p>0.01)
In conclusion, Total-Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL-Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol, Aspartate Arnino transferase and adaptive behavior of visually handicapped were developed effectively through on exercise programs.
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Effect of energy expenditure Exercise in the cold environment 운동생리학 : 저온환경에서의 운동이 에너지 소비에 미치는 영향
40(2) 623-633, 2001
Effect of energy expenditure Exercise in the cold environment 운동생리학 : 저온환경에서의 운동이 에너지 소비에 미치는 영향
It is convinced that there are many body compositions and cardiopulmonary functions involved in performing “Taekwondo” efficiently and structure of these abilities underlying taekwondo performance will be changed with the consequence of training.
The purposes of this study were to analyze the contributions of body composition and cardiopulmonary function underlying athletic performance in highly trained taekwondo athletes and to offer the basic scientific informations for the new talent selection and exercise prescription programs for training the excellent taekwondo athletes.
The subjects participated for this study were 45 taekwondo athletes who were classified into three groups by the competitive levels; 15 adult excellent athletes, 15 adult good athletes and 15 high school excellent athletes.
The statistical techniques utilized in this study was; ANOVA.
Tukey test was used in post-hoc analysis.
For all tests, alpha was set at .05 initially in significance.
The findings of this study were as follows;
1. There was significant differences in lean body mass of body composition among three groups and lean body mass was significantly higher in adult excellent athletes than those of two other groups.
2. There were significant differences in resting heart rate, maximal heart rate, maximal oxygen consumption and treadmill running time of cardiopulmonary functions among three groups and maximal heart rate, maximal oxygen consumption and treadmill running time were significantly higher in adult excellent athletes than those of two other groups.
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The Adaptive Effect of Prior Eccentric Exercise to 2nd Bout of Eccentric Exercise on isokinetic strength, DOMS, and Lactic Acid Response 운동생리학 : Eccentric exercise 후 추가적 eccentric exercise가 등속성 근력, DOMS, 혈 중 젖산반응 및 혈압에 미치는 적응 효과
김형돈HyungDonKim , 손두옥DuOakShon
40(2) 635-644, 2001
The Adaptive Effect of Prior Eccentric Exercise to 2nd Bout of Eccentric Exercise on isokinetic strength, DOMS, and Lactic Acid Response 운동생리학 : Eccentric exercise 후 추가적 eccentric exercise가 등속성 근력, DOMS, 혈 중 젖산반응 및 혈압에 미치는 적응 효과
김형돈HyungDonKim , 손두옥DuOakShon
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of an prior bout of eccentric exercise and 2nd bout of eccentric exercise on isokinetic concentric and eccentric peak torque, DOMS, and lactic acrid and blood pressure. The ten healthy female college students performed two isokinetic eccentric exercises of the quadriceps femoris of dominant leg(150 repetition, 90˚·S-1) separated by 4 week. One week before 1st exercise the subjects were measured for isokinetic peak torque using Cybex 7000 isokinetic dynamometer. This test was repeated 2 days after each bout of eccentric exercise, with measurement of blood lactic acid and blood pressure. DOMS was measured according to Sherman’s scale(1984) 1 day after each eccentric exercise. The results showed that peak torque and total work were significantly increased(P<.05) after 2nd bouts compare to 1st bout of eccentric exercise. There were no significant changes in peak torque and total work of non- dominant leg. No significant changes were shown in venous blood lactate concentration and blood pressure were shown between each bout of eccentric exercise. The DOMS scale was shown significant difference between two bouts of exercise(P<.05) indicating that 2nd bout of eccentric exercise did not exacerbate muscle damage caused by 1st bout of eccentric exercise. In conclusion the female subjects in this study showed distinct adaptation to eccentric exercise to previous results done for male subjects. Currently, it is not verified that there exists sexual difference between male and female in terms of adaptive response to eccentric exercise, and future studies should focus adaptive effects of eccentric exorcise to hormonal responses.
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The Study of Exercise Intensity on the Speed of Taekgyun Pumbalgi 운동생리학 : 태껸 품밟기의 속도에 따른 운동강도
성봉주BongJuSung , 최재인JaeInChoi , 백형훈HyungHoonBaik
40(2) 645-653, 2001
The Study of Exercise Intensity on the Speed of Taekgyun Pumbalgi 운동생리학 : 태껸 품밟기의 속도에 따른 운동강도
성봉주BongJuSung , 최재인JaeInChoi , 백형훈HyungHoonBaik
The purpose of this study was to investigate the exercise intensity of the Pumbalgi of Taekgyun. The experiment of study was conducted with the participation of 10 members of the Taekgyun Succeding Association. The subjects of the Pumbalgi were Kibon pumbalgi, Pum Yeopjaebalgi, Pum Heotbalgi, Pum Jeopeobalgi, Pum Paemyeonbalgi and Pum Heundelmyeobalgi according to the training method of Taekgyun. The maximal heart rate was examined by the maximal exercise test. The protocol of the maximal exercise intensity was called Bruce protocol. The exercise intensity was calculated by %HRmax[{(HRexcise-HRrest)/(HRmax-HRrest)}×100]Reserved).
The difference of the exercise intensity of the Taekgyun Pumbalgi and the speed of Pumbalgi with 4 beats such as normal training, metronome 60beats/min, 80beats/min and 100beats/min showed as follows:
1. In normal training, the exercise intensity showed lower from 38.92%HRmax to 56.06%HRmax according to the subjects of Pumbalgi.
2. In metronome 60beats/min, the exercise intensity showed the love from 31.78%HRmax to 47.76%HRmax according to the subjects of Pumbalgi.
3. In metronome 80beats/min, the exercise intensity showed more lower from 37.63%HRmax to 47.67%HRmax for maintaining heart endurance for healthy adults according to the subjects of Pumbalgi.
4. In metronome 100beats/min, the exercise intensity was from 50.05%HRmax from to 81.58%HRmax according to the subjects of Pumbalgi.
Base on the above results, it is founded that we can train several intensity exercise from lower intensity to higher intensity with Taekgyun Pumbalgi. Also, Taekgyun composed of using the full physical strength and the motion of rhythm is very useful exercise for aerobic training. The motion of Pumbalgi can control the exercise intensity freely so that it is more valuable aerobic training. Furthermore, future studies should look into more the relationships with the exercise intensity and the exercise characters of Pumbalgi of Korean Taekgyun Association compared with the training method of Taekgyun Succeeding Association.
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Progressive Exercise Training Alters Expression of HSP72 in the Rat Skeletal Muscle and Heart muscle 운동생리학 : 장기간의 운동이 쥐의 심장근과 골격근의 HSP72 발현 변화에 미치는 영향
Heat Shock Proteins are considered to play an essential role in protecting cells from stress and preparing them to survive new environmental challenge. This study investigates the induced-synthesis and accumulation of HSP72 in soleus, plantaris and heart muscle of the rat following progressive exercise.
70 male Sprague-Dawley rats were employed. Exercise speed, duration and treadmill incline were progressively increased from 1wk until 5wk. Progressive endurance exercise increased HSP72 accumulation level continuously in the soleus, plantaris and the heart muscle(p$lt;.05). There was a difference of the synthesis amounts and the expression pattern of the induced-HSP72 in muscle types.
In summary, although the adaptive response to progressive exercise results in the elevation in the induction of the HSP72, there was a difference among muscle types.
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The Effects of a Regular Aerobic Exercise on Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, and Serum Lipid Items in WKY, SHR and RICO Rats 운동생리학 : 정기적인 유산소 운동에 따른 WKY, SHR 및 RICO Rat의 심박수, 혈압 및 혈청 지질성분의 변화 비교
우진희JinHeeWoo , 곽이섭YiSubKwak
40(2) 663-670, 2001
The Effects of a Regular Aerobic Exercise on Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, and Serum Lipid Items in WKY, SHR and RICO Rats 운동생리학 : 정기적인 유산소 운동에 따른 WKY, SHR 및 RICO Rat의 심박수, 혈압 및 혈청 지질성분의 변화 비교
우진희JinHeeWoo , 곽이섭YiSubKwak
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of regular aerobic training on heart rate, blood pressure, and lipid items in WKY, SHR(spontaneously hypertensive rats) and RICO. To examine the heart rate, blood pressures, and lipid items, we used normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats(WKY) as a control. Thirty male rats( six weeks old) were divided into five groups: WKY control (WC), SHR control (HC), SHR trained (HT), RICO control (RC) and RICO trained (RT). Obtained results were as follows:
In the heart rate and blood pressure level, there were significantly differences among the three groups(WC, HC and RC) (p<.05) and Also In the lipid level, there were significantly differences among the three groups(wC, HC and RC)(p<.05). By the regular exercise training, In the level of blood pressure, there were significant difference between the HC and HR groups (p<.05). and In the level of lipid items, there were significant difference between the HC and HR groups (p<.05).
In conclusion, Regular exercise training decrease heart rate and blood pressure in SHR, and, also decrease lipid items in RICO. Therefore, we can trace it is the effect of aerobic swimming exercise in SHR and RICO. We can conclude that regular aerobic exercise do positive effect on cardiovascular system in SHR and RICO. Further study needed in this area.
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EMG Responses of Vastus Lateralus and Gastrocnemius during Bicycle Exercise at Critical Power of Primary and Middle School Students 운동생리학 : 초·중학생의 임계강도에서의 자전거 운동중 외측광근과 비복근의 근전도 반응
EMG Responses of Vastus Lateralus and Gastrocnemius during Bicycle Exercise at Critical Power of Primary and Middle School Students 운동생리학 : 초·중학생의 임계강도에서의 자전거 운동중 외측광근과 비복근의 근전도 반응
The purpose of this study was to analysis the EMG responses of vastus lateralus and gastrocnemius during exercise at critical power on primary and middle school students and to verify critical power such as aerobic power index. The subjects was consisted of 16 males(12.7±1.2 yrs), 19 females(13.0±1.8 yrs) on primary and middle school.
The critical power were calculated by regression analysis according to the relationship among work, intensity and time after four cycle ergometer test to fatigue from 1 to 10 minute. The anaerobic threshold(AT) such as aerobic power index measured by graduated exercise test. We measured the EMG responses(IEMG, IEMG slope, MPF) of vastus lateralus and gastrocnemius during cycle ergometry exercise at the level of CP for 30 minutes. The main findings were as follows;
Critical power of male primary school students, male and female middle school students were 7.7 ±13.8% higher than AT of them. When the subjects were exercised to fatigue or 30 minute, the mean exercise time was 22.12 ±7.42 minute on male and 20.08±7.20 minute on female.
On responses during cycle ergometer exercise at critical power, the EMG fatigue were not appeared on 10∼30 minute exercise group during exercise at critical power. This study suggested that although CP was slightly overestimate AT, CP may useful aerobic power index on primary and middle school students.
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The effects of climatic condition and endurance training on immune cells and stress hormones 운동생리학 : 기후조건과 지구성 트레이닝이 면역세포 및 stress hormone 에 미치는 영향
40(2) 683-692, 2001
The effects of climatic condition and endurance training on immune cells and stress hormones 운동생리학 : 기후조건과 지구성 트레이닝이 면역세포 및 stress hormone 에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of endurance training in three different climatic conditions on leukocytes and NK cell by submaximal exercise. 18 male subjects were separated 3 groups based on climatic conditions (temperature ·relative ·humidity). Each group was trained using bicycle ergometer in an chamber. The changes of leukocytes and NK cell are measured by submaximal exercise test at rest, post- exercise and recovery 60 minute in pre-and post-training periods. After the post-exorcise and 60 minute recovery, the leukocytes and neutrophils count of all three groups significantly decreased more in post-training than in pre-training. There were no significant differences observed among three groups on the lymphocytes count. When submaximal exercise test executed in pre-training, the lymphocytes count of all groups decreased after 60 minute recovery than at rest, but the low temperature group showed an increase of a few lymphocytes. The natural killer cell count of rest and post-exercise decreased in post-training than in pre-training, but it increased after 60 minute recovery in post- training. Especially, the high temperature group has shown significant increase at recovery 60 minutes in post-training than in pre-training.
Serum cortisol and plasma norepinephrine concentration increased after post-exercise, they returned to the level at rest and recovery. However, plasma epinephrine concentration increased after post-exercise, but there was little difference from that after recovery.
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Effect of Cr supplementation on the skeletal muscle and muscle power 운동생리학 : 크레아틴 경구 투여가 골격근 특성 및 근력 발현에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of creatine (Cr) supplementation on muscle power and muscle morphology.
10 healthy male subjects were randomly assigned to 2 groups; one was control (n=5), and the other Cr supplementation (n=5) group. Elastic resistance strength training was equally performed for 4 weeks in both groups. Cr was loaded (20g×5days) in the 3rd week after beginning the training. Before and after training, whole urine was collected, and measured quantitatively. Muscle sample was taken by muscle biopsy technique, and prepared for histochemical analysis. Isokinetic muscle power and endurance were measured by Cybex- II 6000, and anaerobic power and capacity by MONARK cycle ergometer
In the Cr supplementation group, relative distribution of type I muscle fiber was increased and that of type II x was decreased (p$lt;.05). Mean cross-sectional area and the number of capillaries per fiber were increased, consequently diffusional area was increased. With the leg flexion power was increased in the Cr supplementation group whereas decreased in the control group. However, the contrary results were shown in the leg extension power Anaerobic power and capacity were increased in both groups.
When the Cr supplementation group was subdivided by the reduction in urine volume just after Cr loading, relative distribution of type IIx fiber and the leg extension power were increased in T-Cr where as decreased in F-Cr. This result suggested the possibility of underestimating or misreading the effect of Cr oral supplementation.
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Comparative Analysis on Characteristics on Body composition and Cardiopulmonary function in highly trained Taekwondo Athletes 운동생리학 : 태권도선수의 수준별 체조성과 심폐기능 특성 비교분석
조충경ChungKyungJo , 김기봉KiBongKim
40(2) 707-716, 2001
Comparative Analysis on Characteristics on Body composition and Cardiopulmonary function in highly trained Taekwondo Athletes 운동생리학 : 태권도선수의 수준별 체조성과 심폐기능 특성 비교분석
조충경ChungKyungJo , 김기봉KiBongKim
It is convinced that there are many body compositions and cardiopulmonary functions involved in performing “Taekwondo” efficiently and structure of these abilities underlying taekwondo performance will be changed with the consequence of training.
The purposes of this study were to analyze the contributions of body composition and cardiopulmonary function underlying athletic performance in highly trained taekwondo athletes and to offer the basic scientific informations for the new talent selection and exercise prescription programs for training the excellent taekwondo athletes.
The subjects participated for this study were 45 taekwondo athletes who were classified into three groups by the competitive levels; 15 adult excellent athletes, 15 adult good athletes and 15 high school excellent athletes.
The statistical techniques utilized in this study was; ANOVA.
Tukey test was used in post-hoc analysis.
For all tests, alpha was set at .05 initially in significance.
The findings of this study were as follows;
1. There was significant differences in lean body mass of body composition among three groups and lean body mass was significantly higher in adult excellent athletes than those of two other groups.
2. There were significant differences in resting heart rate, maximal heart rate, maximal oxygen consumption and treadmill running time of cardiopulmonary functions among three groups and maximal heart rate, maximal oxygen consumption and treadmill running time were significantly higher in adult excellent athletes than those of two other groups.
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The effects of 48 weeks aqua - exercise on blood lipid profile and body composition of elderly women 운동생리학 : 48 주간 수중운동이 노인여성의 혈중지질 및 체성분에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of 48 weeks aquatic exercise on blood lipid profile and body composition in elderly women. The subjects for this study were 20 healthy elderly women who were over 65 years, members of seniors tower at Song-Do hospital and didn`t have any history cardiovascular disease. The subjects were divided into two groups: aquatic exercise(experimental) group(n= 10) and control group(n=10).
The aquatic exercise program for experimental group consisted of a 10-minute warm-up, 40-minute workout, and 10-minute cool-down. Exercise intensities were 40%, 50-75%, and 40% of VO₂max respectively. And exercise frequency was 3 days/ a week. The results of this study as follow;
1. The changes of lipid profile variables.
1) The HDL-C of an experimental group was increased significantly, whereas that of a control group was no significant different after exercise.
2) The TG of an experimental group was decreased significantly, whereas that of a control group was increased significantly after exercise.
3) The TC, LDL-C & TC/HDL-C ratio of an experimental group were decreased significantly, whereas that of a control group was no significant different after exercise.
2. The changes of body composition variables.
1) The body weight, fat mass & %fat of an experimental group was decreased significantly, whereas that of a control group was no significant different after exercise.
2) The lean mass of an experimental group was no significant different, whereas that of a control group was decreased significantly after exercise.
3) The %lean mass of an experimental group were increased significantly, whereas that of a control group was no significant different after exercise.
In conclusion, aquatic exercise performed during 48weeks in this study was affected positive changes in blood lipid profile and body composition in elderly women. Therefore we think that aquatic exercise seems to be available method for improving cardiovascular disease and so on.
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The effects of regular exercise on glucose, lipid profiles level & body composition of elderly women patients with type - Ⅱ diabetes mellitus 운동생리학 : 규칙적인 운동이 제2형 당뇨병 노인여성의 혈당, 혈중지질 수준 및 체성분에 미치는 영향
The effects of regular exercise on glucose, lipid profiles level & body composition of elderly women patients with type - Ⅱ diabetes mellitus 운동생리학 : 규칙적인 운동이 제2형 당뇨병 노인여성의 혈당, 혈중지질 수준 및 체성분에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect on regular exercise for observing the changes of blood glucose, lipid profiles level & body composition of elderly patients with type- II diabetes mellitus(DM). The subjects for this study were twenty elderly patients with type-II DM who were members of seniors tower at Song-Do hospital and didn`t have any problems of cardiorespiratory disease in participating in this study. Both groups have been trained five times a week for 24weeks. The exercise programs for an experimental group were made up of 10min warm-up, 15-25min work-out, and 10min cool-down.
Aerobic training was performed for 15-25min respectively using the treadmill and cycle ergometer at the intensity of 60% VO₂max. The resistance weight training was performed repetitions times 3 sets using the leg press, leg extension, leg curl, back extension, abdominal flexion, torso, and upper body dumbell.
All the measured data were represented by clean and standard deviation using SAS(ver 6.12). The first statistical techniques for data analysis were two way(2 × 2) repeated measured ANOVA to analyze the difference: between an experimental group and a control group(pre & post exercise). And then we peformed independent & paired t-test for investigating the difference between groups about the variables which showed the difference. The 5% level of significance was used as the critical level for acceptance of hypotheses for the study. The following results were obtained from this study.
1. The glucose level was not showed significantly differences between two groups before and after exercise but in times there was significantly decreased in that of an experimental group.
2. The total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol level was not showed significantly differences between two groups before and after exercise but in times there was significantly decreased in that of an experimental group.
3. The triglyceride and HDL-cholesterol level was not showed significantly differences between two groups and times before and after exercise.
4. The %body fat, fat mass, and WHR was not showed significantly differences between two groups before and after exercise but in times there was significantly decreased in that of an experimental group.
5. The lean mass was not showed significantly differences between two groups and times before and after exercise.
In conclusion, the noticeable results in this study were that the blood glucose, lipid profiles level and body composition of elderly patients with type-II DM for a 24-week were positive changes than those of the control group. Therefore, the regular aerobic and resistance exercise training are considered to be proper exercise programs to reduce the risk of heart disease, to prevent all kinds of diabetic complication and to improve the body composition in elderly patients with type- II DM.
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Effects of Plyometric Training on the Power and Agility of Basketball Players 운동생리학 : Plyometric Training 이 농구선수의 순발력과 민첩성에 미치는 영향
The basketball players of Boys’High schools were intentionally assigned to 2 separate groups : one group has used only one kind of 50㎝-high boxes, the other group has used two kinds of 70㎝- and 50㎝-high boxes. Each group has been applied to the plyometric training program made up of depth jump and box jump 3 days a week during the period of 8 weeks. After measuring the power and agility in the pre and post-test, I can get the following conclusions.
1. In the vertical jumping, the second group which has conducted depth jump training with two kinds of boxes was improved more than the first group with one kind of box.
2. In the plastic jumping, the second group which has conducted depth jump training with two kinds of boxes was improved more than the first group with one kind of box.
3. In the short-distance sprinting, the second group which has conducted depth jump training with two kinds of boxes was improved more than the first group with one kind of box.
4. In the agility, the second group which has conducted depth jump training with two kinds of boxes was improved more than the first group with one kind of box.
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Effect of body composition, insulin and leptin on running for 10 weeks in obese girl students 운동생리학 : 10 주간 달리기 운동이 비만 여중생의 신체구성, 인슐린 및 렙틴 농도에 미치는 영향
최석준SuckJunChoi , 최태석TaeSuckChoi , 이영진YoungJinLee
40(2) 759-768, 2001
Effect of body composition, insulin and leptin on running for 10 weeks in obese girl students 운동생리학 : 10 주간 달리기 운동이 비만 여중생의 신체구성, 인슐린 및 렙틴 농도에 미치는 영향
최석준SuckJunChoi , 최태석TaeSuckChoi , 이영진YoungJinLee
The aims of this study were to investigate the change of the body composition(body weight, % fat, fat mass, WHR), insulin, leptin and correlation between related variables. In this study, running(HRmax 50∼70%, 30∼40mins/day, 4days/week) was performed and 18 obese girl students(control group; n=9, running group; n=9) were participated for 10 weeks. Independent and Paired t-test was used to evaluate the difference of the pre and post treatment, between groups. And Pearson Correlation Coefficients was used to investigate any correlation between related variables. The 0.05 level of significance was as critical level for this study. The result of this study were as following ;
1. Body composition, body weight(4.17㎏, p<0.05), % fat(4.14%, p<0.01), WHR(0.07, P<0.01) fat mass(3.1㎏, p<0.01), were decreased significantly after running of 10 weeks.
2. The concentration of insulin(15.75 μ IU/㎖, p<0.01) was decreased significantly after running of 10 weeks.
3. The concentration of leptin(7.16ng/㎖, p<0.01) was decreased significantly after running of 10 weeks.
4. The correlation between leptin and insulin, %fat, fat mass, WHR was significantly correlated before running. And this correlation was also maintained after running of 10 weeks.
These results suggest that on body composition, insulin and leptin in running for 10 weeks affects obese middle girl students. On the other hand, long term regular running influenced in body composition, insulin and leptin for increase of BMR, Lipolysis, utilization of fat.
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The effect of ethanol consumption and exercise on microsome cytochrome 450 2E1 expression in rat 운동생리학 : 에탄올 섭취와 운동수행이 쥐 간의 CYP4502E1 발현에 미치는 영향
CYP2E1 is an ethanol-inducible member of the CYP450 superfamilies. This enzyme catalyzes numerous reactions, including the oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde. The enzyme has an unusually high capacity to generate free radical which stimulate lipid peroxidation. The present study investigated the influence of administration of ethanol with or without exercise on hepatic microsomal cytochrome CYP2E1 (P45O) content. Thirty male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly as signed to one of two groups: ethanol (n=18), ethanol-running (n=18). Ethanol was administrated by gavage as a 20% dilute solution 2 times per day (3g/㎏, 5days/week, for 2weeks or 4weeks). Exercise speed and duration were progressively increased to 27m/min, 1hour by the end of week 4. This workload was maintained for duration of study.
In summary, ethanol administration induced a dramatic increase in rat liver CYP2E1 content of ethanol group and ethanol-running group, but induced-CYP2E1 content in ethanol-running groups were significantly decreased than ethanol groups. Therefore, it was concluded that submaximal training of 4wk attenuated hepatic ethanol-induced CYP2E1 content.
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Effects of iron supplement and gradual weight loss on blood components, immune cells, exercise capacity in wrestling athletes 운동생리학 : 레슬링 선수들의 장기간 체중감량이 혈액성분, 면역세포 및 운동능력에 미치는 영향과 철 투여의 효과 국문초록
홍룡YongHong , 안의수EueSooAhe
40(2) 777-789, 2001
Effects of iron supplement and gradual weight loss on blood components, immune cells, exercise capacity in wrestling athletes 운동생리학 : 레슬링 선수들의 장기간 체중감량이 혈액성분, 면역세포 및 운동능력에 미치는 영향과 철 투여의 효과 국문초록
홍룡YongHong , 안의수EueSooAhe
The purposes of this study was to investigate the effect of iron supplementation on blood components (serum iron, ferritin, transferrin, and RBC, Hb, Hct) and immune cells(WBC, T-helper cell, T-suppressor cell, NK cells, monocyte), and aerobic capacity (VO₂max, endurance time), anaerobic capacity(peak power, mean power) during gradual(3 weeks) weight loss. The subjects of this study were 22 high school wrestlers whose athletic career was from one year to six years. They were divided into 3 groups; nonweight loss group(NW; 6), weight loss group(WL; 7), weight loss and iron supplementation group(WL+IS: 9). In the gradual procedure, weight loss was achieved in 3 weeks by a diet restriction and being forced to use plastic suit for sweating during the last week. The caloric restriction on WL and WL+IS groups was carried out by three step program which was composed of a week interval for 3 weeks(1st step:900㎉, 2nd step:1800㎉, 3rd step:2700 ㎉). And the subjects were on a restricted diet only by the quantity of boiled rice which mainly contains a carbohydrate.
When the subjects took a rest, iron, ferritin, transferrin, RBC, Hb, Hct, WBC, T-suppressor cell, T-helper cell, NK cell, monocyte values were analyzed by blood samples before and after weight loss. And aerobic capacity was measured after blood sampling, and anaerobic capacity were measured after aerobic capacity test in the next day. Weight loss of the WL, WL+IS groups was decreased each 3.9㎏, 4㎏. Serum iron level decreased after weight loss in the WL, NW groups but increased in the WL+IS group. But the difference of this result was not significant. Ferritin level increased after weight loss in all groups. But the difference of this result was not significant. Transferrin level decreased after weight loss in all the groups but decreased level was most little in the WL+IS group. But the difference of this result was not significant. RBC level increased after weight loss in all the group except the NW group. But the difference of this result was not significant. Hb level increased after weight loss in the W, WL+IS groups except the NW group but its increase was significant only in the WL+IS group. Hct level significantly increased in the WL, WL+lS groups except the NW group after weight loss. WBC level increased in the NW, WL groups but decreased in the WL+IS group after weight loss. T-suppressor cell level decreased in all the groups after weight loss but its decrease was significant in the WL group but was not significant in the NW, WL+IS groups. T-helper cell level decreased in all the groups after weight loss. NK cell level increased in the WL groups but decreased in the NW, WL+IS groups after weight loss. Monocyte level increased in the NW, WL+IS groups but decreased after weight loss in the WL group after weight loss. But T-helper cell, NK cell, Monocyte levels were not significant in all the groups. Vo₂max significantly increased in the WL+IS group except the NW group but decreased in the WL group after deight loss. Endurance time increased in all groups after weight loss but was not significant. Peak power increased in the NW, WL groups but decreased in the WL+IS group after weight loss. Mean power decreased in all the groups after weight loss but the difference this result was not significant. The data indicated that iron supplementation had affected serum iron, ferritin, transferin, RBC, Hb, Hct during gradual weight loss but did not have affected by gradual weight loss. Also, immune cells except monocyte seemed to be affected by exercise and gradual weight loss but were not affected by iron supplementation. But, iron supplementation affected on the maintain of NK cell, and on the increase of monocyte during gradual weight loss. VO₂max was not affected by gradual weight loss but iron supplementation affected increase of VO₂max. And Endurance time, Peak power, Mean Power were not affected by gradual weight loss and iron supplementation during gradual weight
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A analysis of Biomechanics in Inward 2 1/2 Somersault Nontwisting platform dives 운동역학 : Nontwisting Platform Dives 에서 Inward 2 1/2 somersault dive 동작에 대한 운동학적 분석
강신ShinKang , 류호영HoYoungRyu
40(2) 793-801, 2001
A analysis of Biomechanics in Inward 2 1/2 Somersault Nontwisting platform dives 운동역학 : Nontwisting Platform Dives 에서 Inward 2 1/2 somersault dive 동작에 대한 운동학적 분석
강신ShinKang , 류호영HoYoungRyu
This study investigated center of gravity(CG) displacement and velocity, angle, angular velocity of the CG and total body angular momentum about a tranverse axis through the center of mass that occurred as the rotational requiredment of nontwisting platform 2 ½ somersault dive. The result are as follows.
1. From takeoff phase hip and Knee flexion, after the takeoff phase are very large influenced.
2. There is very little variation in ankle from the takeoff phase to take off the platform dives.
3. There is a tendency toward larger angular velocity are influenced the judge scored
4. From the total angular momentum, The Remote angular momentum more than the Local angular momentum.
5. From the body segment contribution to the total angular momentum, The Remote arms contribution more than the segment.
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The Biomechanical Analysis of Tae Kwon Do Ap-chagi Motion 운동역학 : 태권도 앞차기의 운동역학적 분석
김규완KewWanKim , 서정석JungSukSeo
40(2) 803-811, 2001
The Biomechanical Analysis of Tae Kwon Do Ap-chagi Motion 운동역학 : 태권도 앞차기의 운동역학적 분석
김규완KewWanKim , 서정석JungSukSeo
This study was to analyze the biomechanical differences of the Tae Kwon Do Ap-chagi motion among the four groups(elementary school : E, middle school M, high school : H, college : C) using two video cameras and force platform. The subjects were 32 skilled male Tae Kwon Do players(E : 8, M : 8, H : 8, C : 8) and they peformed Ap-chagi motion. The kinematic variables, kinetic variables were examined about the four groups. Also, these variables were analyzed using Kwon 3-D and Kwongrf program so on.
To verify statistical significance among the four-groups, the one-way ANOVA was conducted. From this experimental design, the following conclusions were found :
1. The performance time of Ap-chagi was significantly decreased as the subject is changed from E group to C group gradually(p<.01) but there was no statistical difference in the stride length among the four groups.
2. The velocities of ankle, knee joint were significantly increased as the subject is changed from E group to C group gradually(p<.01) but there was no statistical difference in the velocity of hip joint among the four groups.
3. There were no statistical differences in the ankle, knee joint angle but the angle of hip joint was significantly increased as the subject is changed such as M, E, H, and C group(p<.01).
4. The peak ground reaction force was significantly increased as the subject is changed from E group to C group gradually(p<.05).
The Tae Kwon Do Ap-chagi should be peformed faster for superior competition. Therefore, the application of various training-methods is requared to develop final velocity of kicking-foot from young Tae Kwon Do players especially.
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The Influence of Step Length on the Angle and ROM of the Lower Limb Joint During Walking 운동역학 : 보행시 보폭변화에 따른 하지관절 움직임의 변화
김로빈RoBinKim , 김승재SeungJaeKim
40(2) 813-820, 2001
The Influence of Step Length on the Angle and ROM of the Lower Limb Joint During Walking 운동역학 : 보행시 보폭변화에 따른 하지관절 움직임의 변화
김로빈RoBinKim , 김승재SeungJaeKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of step length on the angle and range of motion of the lower limb joints. The subjects were 10 undergraduate and graduate students in their 20s with normal legs. The subjects were individually tested at the walking speed of 1.34m/s which is found to be the normal walking speed according to former studies. The step length was regulated to -10% of normal, normal, and +10% of normal step length using foot print. The walking performances of each subjects were filmed using a high speed video camera. The raw data were analyzed by LabVIEW Graphical Program and these data were analyzed by ANOVAs.
The results of this study were as follows:
1. As the step length increased, the maximum dorsiflexion and plantar flexion, and the range of motion of the ankle joint increased.
2. As the step length increased, the maximum extension and the range of motion of the knee joint increased.
3. As the step length increased, the maximum extension and flexion, and the range of motion of the hip joint increased.
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Balance Adjustments of Gait Pattern to Prevent Slip and Fall 운동역학 : 미끄럼 발생에 따른 보행 동적 특성 연구
김선필SeonPilKim , 원문학WenXueYuan , 이민형MinHyongLee
40(2) 821-831, 2001
Balance Adjustments of Gait Pattern to Prevent Slip and Fall 운동역학 : 미끄럼 발생에 따른 보행 동적 특성 연구
김선필SeonPilKim , 원문학WenXueYuan , 이민형MinHyongLee
This study investigates the balance adjustment of walking to prevent a slipping accident. Gait analyses for six subjects were performed on three different road conditions; normal, virtual slip information, slippery surface with oil contaminant.
1. On the slippery ground surface, the gait pattern was modified into the longer supporting time to secure balance recovery Also, the foot strike angle showed significant variation.
2. Prior to foot strike on the surface, the subjects appeared a tendency to raise their body center, and at heel strike. The maximum vertical velocity of the body center was adjusted to before take-off on the slippery surface from right after the toe’s take-off of the swing leg in normal gait.
3. During the later supporting period after slip, the subjects decreased the positive moment and the joint extension of the ankle. Thus, the ankle energy was less than that of the normal gait. At the knee, the subjects showed an abnormal flexion after knee-extending.
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A kinematic analysis of characteristics between jumped distance in the triple jump 운동역학 : 세단뛰기 기록간 운동학적 특성들의 비교
류재균JaeKyunRyu , 윤희중HeeJoongYoon
40(2) 833-841, 2001
A kinematic analysis of characteristics between jumped distance in the triple jump 운동역학 : 세단뛰기 기록간 운동학적 특성들의 비교
류재균JaeKyunRyu , 윤희중HeeJoongYoon
The purposes of this study were to examine the effects of the kinematic factors of the three phases of a triple jump, and to help the improvement to the officially recorded distance of the triple jump. Three-dimensional kinematic data were collected for three elite male triple jumpers in 81st National sports competition. Four S-VHS video cameras were used to record the performances of the jumpers at a frame Fate of 60Hz. Hop, step and jump distance, official and actual distance, changes in the horizontal and in the vertical velocity of the whole body center of gravity at takeoff into each of the phases of the triple jump, ratios of the phase distance and takeoff angle were determined for the performance in the triple jump.
The longest hop phase was recorded by A. His 6.01m hop phase exceeded those of B and C by 0.26m and 0.71m, respectively. The subjects all in the competition who used hop- dominated. The subject A has recorded much higher horizontal velocity and lower vertical velocity than his opponents. The subject A has recorded much high takeoff angle at takeoff of the jump and low that at takeoff of the hop than his opponents.
These results support to improve the performance in the triple jump of this study. Further studies are required on the optimum techniques and last three strides kinematic variables of the triple jump.
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Snatch Technique property of Elite Weight Lifter 운동역학 : 우수 역도선수들의 인상기술 특성 분석
40(2) 843-851, 2001
Snatch Technique property of Elite Weight Lifter 운동역학 : 우수 역도선수들의 인상기술 특성 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic factor for the elite weightlifter’s technique, to seek good technique property. The subjects of this study were six elite weightlifters. They were videotaped using two digital cameras with the frame rate being 30㎐. This data was reduced to 3D coordinates using DLT method.
It was concluded that ;
1) At last pull, Lifter should be dip with right standing posture until last pull
2) PI Index should be explained with difference max barbell height and barbell height at Lock out
3) SMV is good index for horizontal movement of barbell
4) Barbell velocity should be increased without reduction until last pull
5) enter of Mass didn`t have to move backward early than 0.06sec∼0.08sec before the last pull.
6) Reduction and Increase of center of mass velocity in second phase is cause for center of mass velocity reduction and barbell velocity reduction.
7) Last pull was performed with Ankle, Knee, Hip extension at the same time.
8) Ankle, Knee, Hip extension should be perform at same time within 0.04sec∼0.06sec before the last pull.
9) Korea Lifter. CJK, KTH finished lastpull without full knee extension.
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The Kinematical Analysis of Release Phase in Female Javelin Throwing Players 운동역학 : 여자 창던지기 경기시 투사구간의 운동학적 특성
백진호JinHoBack , 김재필JaePhilKim
40(2) 853-860, 2001
The Kinematical Analysis of Release Phase in Female Javelin Throwing Players 운동역학 : 여자 창던지기 경기시 투사구간의 운동학적 특성
백진호JinHoBack , 김재필JaePhilKim
The purpose of this study was to quantitatively examine the effects of kinematical characteristics on release phase, and to give the basic javelin throwing techniques in female javelin throwing players. For these purposes, javelin competitions of female javelin throwing players participating in the 81th national sports competition were filmed. Among competition filmed, 5 best competitions were selected and 3-D analyzed, and from those analyzed results, the following conclusions were drawn;
1. It was shown that the female players released the javelin with adequative release angle, but threw the javelin with less release velocity during competition. Among female javelin throwers participated in competition, S5 released javelin with the adequative release angle. but less release velocity than foreign javelin throwers of previous study. And S1 and S2 showed relatively less release velocity than the other players, so those players should increase the release velocity for the better record.
2. S5 showing the best result indicated shorter in duration time. Also generally, the shorter duration time in release phase showed the longer release distance. Especially S4 showing the worse result indicated the longer duration time in preparatory phase, causing the breakup of force Therefore to improve the record. it should be decreased the duration time in preparatory phase.
3. The players showing the better record indicated the lower rate in displacement of c.o.g compared with other players. These results were considered because the lower displacement rate of c.o.g within stride length leaded to decrease the duration time for the better record.
4. Compared with other players, S5 showing the best record indicated the higher velocity in upper arm, lower arm and hand. That is, the higher velocity of upper arm at release leaded the better velocity transfer from upper arm to, following lower arm and hand, and these action should be considered to be helpful of better record.
5. S5 showing the best record indicated the higher leaning angle and elbow angle at release than the other players. It shoulbe be considered that those higher angles leaded to increase the time on force acting on javelin and the distance accelerating on javelin, causing the increased release velocity.
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Characteristics Analysis on Skate Reaction Force Change in Short Track Speed Skating 운동역학 : 쇼트트랙 스피드 스케이팅의 스케이트 반력 변화에 따른 특성 분석
전명규MyungKyuJun , 박광동KwangDongPark , 백진호JinHoBack
40(2) 861-871, 2001
Characteristics Analysis on Skate Reaction Force Change in Short Track Speed Skating 운동역학 : 쇼트트랙 스피드 스케이팅의 스케이트 반력 변화에 따른 특성 분석
전명규MyungKyuJun , 박광동KwangDongPark , 백진호JinHoBack
The purpose of this study was to examine the kinetical characteristics of skating by left foot in straight track of reaction force changes acted on skate in straight in short track skating, to grope for the better skating techniques, and to give the basic data for training guidances on highly skilled skaters. In this study, 4 nationally ranked female short track speed skaters were employed as the subjects.
Therefore, based upon comparative analysis from variables from reaction forces analysis, the following conclusions are drawn,
1. In straight track, the maximum reaction force act on blade of skate indicated the moment of right foot take off and left foot push off and ranged from 0.87b.w. to 1.45b.w.. And reaction forces averaged 1.1b.w.
2. Maximum reaction forces measured from the load cell attaching in front of the blade ranged from 0.59b.w. to 0.99b.w. at push off and maximum reaction forces from the rear blade ranged 0.37∼0.55b.w. just after the plate gliding.
3. Vertical reaction force acting on blades was higher than horizontal force. Vertical reaction force ranged 0.24∼0.78b.w. at plate gliding and push off phase and horizontal velocity ranged 0.11∼0.41b.w. at the before and after push off moment.
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Establishment of the Criterion - Referenced Standards for Military Physical Fitness Test 측정평가 : 군 체력검사의 준거지향기준 설정 - 사병을 대상으로
육동원DongWonYook , 서성혁SungHyeokSuh , 김재우JaeWooKim
40(2) 875-884, 2001
Establishment of the Criterion - Referenced Standards for Military Physical Fitness Test 측정평가 : 군 체력검사의 준거지향기준 설정 - 사병을 대상으로
육동원DongWonYook , 서성혁SungHyeokSuh , 김재우JaeWooKim
The purpose of this study was to present the minimum criterion of the military physical fitness test in events, such as 1500m running, sit ups, push ups for common soldiers.
To accomplish the purpose of the study, three military physical fitness test were measured. Three combat type physical strength primary factors that showed high validity the dash, dig a trench, sandbag carrying. And 31 commanders surveys were used as the criterion standards. The subjects of this study were 479 common soldiers, the method for the criterion-referenced standards were judgmental method, normative method, empirical method, mixed method was used, for the criterion-referenced standards validity valuation was done by probability of correct decision, phi coefficient, misclassification, expected utility, expected disutility and expected maximal utility.
The result of this study can be summarized as follows,
1. The criterion-referenced standards of the 1500m running test was prove as 6min 25 sec with the empirical method showing the highest validity valuation.
2. The criterion-referenced standards of the sit ups test was prove as 55 times with the empirical method showing the highest validity valuation.
3. The criterion-referenced standards of the push ups test was prove as 55 times with the empirical method showing the highest validity valuation.
4. The commanders judgment criterion did not show a high relation between the physical strength primary factors in the military physical fitness test and the combat type physical strength primary factors.
5. According to the judgement made by commanders, the cutoff scores at the military physical fitness tests were been much higher than the currently used ones.
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Longitudinal Analysis of Physical Performance - The Application of Latent Growth Models 측정평가 : 종단적 운동수행력의 변화 분석: 잠재성장모형의 이용
이기봉GiBongLee , 박일혁IlHyeokPark
40(2) 885-897, 2001
Longitudinal Analysis of Physical Performance - The Application of Latent Growth Models 측정평가 : 종단적 운동수행력의 변화 분석: 잠재성장모형의 이용
이기봉GiBongLee , 박일혁IlHyeokPark
The purpose of this paper is introducing Latent Growth Model (LGM) in the area of exercise science and physical education research. LGM is a relatively new statistical model for the analysis of repeated measures data. This statistical model is a general form of traditional analysis methods that are based on the mean differences, and it overcomes several limitations of traditional methods. Although LGM can be applied to any type of repeated measures data, it is most useful when a researcher is interested in the pattern of the change of a variable. In a typical LGM the initial status and the change (growth) are represented by two or more latent factors. The most notable merit of LGM is that it takes into account the individual level of change in a model, allowing one to investigate the inter-individual variation in change as well as the average change over time. This characteristic also allows one to investigate the relationship between initial status and change factors, relationship between the changes of two or more variables, and the effect of a predictor(s) on change. One can easily extend the basic model to various curvilinear, multivariate or multi-group comparison models LGM can be a very useful statistical model for the research in exercise science and physical education field. Following basic concepts, a brief overview of analysis procedure and an example of analysis with a real data set are given.
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An Analysis on Body Composition Development Trend of Youth 측정평가 : 청소년들의 신체조성 발달경향에 관한 분석
이동옥DongOkLee , 이창진ChangJinLee
40(2) 899-911, 2001
An Analysis on Body Composition Development Trend of Youth 측정평가 : 청소년들의 신체조성 발달경향에 관한 분석
이동옥DongOkLee , 이창진ChangJinLee
The purpose of this study was to analyze body composition development trend of youth. The subjects were 1,237 male and female in middle/high schools located in Seoul city and Kyungkido. Body composition was measured by InBody 2.0 of a segmental multifrequency impedance analyzer. The measured items were total body water, fat mass, fat free mass, %body fat, waist hip ratio, body mass index, protein mass and basal metabolic rate.
The data were analyzed with independent t- test, trend analysis using SPSS Version 10.0 and MINITAB.
The results were as follows:
1. Body composition of male subjects was dramatically higher in total body water, fat free mass, waist hip ratio, body mass index and protein mass and that of female subjects was significantly higher in fat mass and %body fat, however, body mass index had no significant difference in female and male subjects.
2. Body composition(total body water, fat mass, fat free mass, %body fat, waist hip ratio, body mass index, protein mass and basal metabolic rate) of female subjects, it shown that positive development depending on their growth. Male subjects had positive development in total body water, fat free mass, body mass index, basal metabolic rate and protein mass but fat mass, %body fat, and waist hip ratio had negative development
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The Correlation Analysis of Cardiovascular Fitness and Leg Strength in Male Students with Mental Retardation 특수체육 : 정신지체 남학생의 하지근력과 심폐지구력의 상관분석
40(2) 915-923, 2001
The Correlation Analysis of Cardiovascular Fitness and Leg Strength in Male Students with Mental Retardation 특수체육 : 정신지체 남학생의 하지근력과 심폐지구력의 상관분석
The purpose of this study was to compare the cardiovascular fitness to leg strength of students(age= 16.8 yr) with mental retardation. Twenty seven male students with mental retardation participated in this study. The modified Balke/Ware treadmill test is a VO₂predictor specific to stationary, uphill walking. The testing protocol involved maintaining a constant speed of 3.4mph while increasing the grade from a horizontal degree at the first minute to one degree each subsequent minute until the subject’s limit was voluntarily reached. The variables are VO₂, VO₂/㎏ that were measured in every 20 seconds from Sensor Medics 2900 System. Isokinetic knee flexion and extension strength(peak torque) were determined by isokinetic dynamometry. The SPSS/WIN package was used to analyze the data of this study. Mean and standard deviation were provided in Pearson Correlation .05 significance level. The results generally demonstrated significant positive relationships (P < .05, .01) between cardiovascular fitness(VO₂peak, VO₂ peak/㎏) and isokinetic leg strength(peak torque of knee flexion and extension) The results of this study suggest that leg strength may be an important factor to cardiovascular fitness for persons with mental retardation. Further research that involves large subjects pools is need to determine if this relationship for persons with mental retardation consistently exist.
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The changes in Bone Mineral Density, Contents, and Body Composition of dance - majoring young women after 20 weeks of weight training program 무용 : 웨이트트레이닝 프로그램이 무용전공 여성의 골밀도 및 신체조성에 미치는 영향
40(2) 927-938, 2001
The changes in Bone Mineral Density, Contents, and Body Composition of dance - majoring young women after 20 weeks of weight training program 무용 : 웨이트트레이닝 프로그램이 무용전공 여성의 골밀도 및 신체조성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to study changes in BMD and BMC in conjunction with changes in lean body mass after 20 weeks of weight training program.
Thirty young women(20 for experimental group, 10 for control group) majoring in dance were selected from the department of dance in H university. All subjects were not experienced any previous serious strength training program.
All the subjects had been exercised the same weight training programs using set-exchanging method at the H University weight-training room for 20 weeks based on Calder’s research results. The BMD, BMC, LBM, FM, and PBF of all subjects’s several body positions were measured by DEXA, Hologic 100W DPX photographic densitometer before and after 20 weeks weight training program. The IRM of weight-lifting performance by bench-press, arm/biceps’curl, and leg-press movements was also measured before and after 20 weeks weight training program. The analysis of valiance using. Tukey post-hoc test was used to solve the problems of the study. The conclusions of this study are as follows,
1 Changes in BMD and BMC values throughout the training program were small and these values were not significant.
2. After 20weeks of weight training program, muscle strength(IRM) increased significantly(group x tilde interaction) in the bench press(33%, P<.01), arm curl(73%, P<.001), and leg press(23)%, P<.01) respectively.
3. Significant changes were found in lean body mass of arm(0.4㎏, 9.7%, P)<.01), trunk (0.7㎏, 3.0%, P<.05), and leg(0.5㎏, 3.3%, P<.01) of the training group.
Muscle strength and lean body mass were positively changed after 20 weeks of training, but the changes in BMD and BMC were not significant. These results were contrary to the previous longitudinal studies which showed that significant increases were found in muscle strength, lean body mass, BMD, BMC after weight training, and there was a significant correlation among lean body mass, BMD, BMC.